From the Jagger's Family Kitchen... Cinnamon & Orange Roll Waffles!

Monday, October 29, 2012

How often do you use your waffle machine!? We might use ours 2 times a month.. and I have a super nice one.. ( Thanks mom! ) So there are tons of things you can make on it! 

I used 

and these were huge.. they actually made big waffles! In order to keep the cinnamon on the waffles in the waffle machine, its important to put the rolls on a plate.. cover them.. and let them sit in the frig for 24 hours. 

I also did the same with 

Orange rolls... only these were smaller.. 

Heat up the waffle machine to # 3 - medium- and be sure to press down and get the waffle maker closed! 

and turned out so cute! 

I took the icing and drizzled it all over our big and little waffles! 

And dinner was served! 

These were a great hit and so easy to make.. We didn't use syrup.. instead we just picked them up and ate them with our hands! 

These would be perfect for Christmas morning! 


K Jaggers

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