I am freezing tonight. I just put on some cozy socks and snuggled up in bed. Husby is in the shower so I got the bed to myself right now... but I am ready for him to come in here because snuggling with him always warms me up!
package after package! This box came in for Jackson.. from his dad.. Can you guess what it is!?
And another big box came in from mom!
I got some great freebies in today too.. that I will show you guys in a couple weeks in a October Freebies Video.. but they are great samples!
This afternoon I took some time to go
sit outside with a warm cup of tea and just enjoy the beautiful fall day.
This is our neighbors tree but its so pretty.. I love it!
Husby came home and we decided to leave the kids at home and go do a little shopping at the market.
Scott seemed to lead the way.. and I trailed along giggling and taking pictures!
We did mange to get everything we
wanted.. and even managed to check ourselves out! =)
I love how my husband is totally not matching! Tee-hee!! He didn't care either. I love those pants on him.. those long legs of his gets me every time! He decided that tomorrow morning he wanted to take in our super nice waffle maker and let the guys make waffles at work tomorrow. None of the office girls are there tomorrow so I thought why not!!! Don't ask me to explain.. anyway... he got everything he needed and we got some stuff for the house too!
Even though we went shopping.. SCOTT SUGGESTED that we just have the left over pasta from the other night. I thought it was a brilliant idea because I wasn't really wanting to cook anyway. - Shit.. this just reminded me that I need to get the roast out of the freezer.. brb -
Ok.. sorry but that had to get done!
Anyway.. we had pasta.. I did bake some fresh cheese bread to go with it
and I topped the pasta with a lot of cheese..
And dinner was served!
I could eat this every night of the week.. I loved it.
After dinner, Scott was sweet enough to clean the kitchen.. I however was putting the rest of the left over pasta in the frig and dropped that bowl.. and it shattered all over the kitchen floor. Breaking that bowl upset me more than loosing the pasta.. Guess its time to go shopping again.
Anyway after all that drama I sat back and painted my nails one of my favorite fall colors..
The Sally Hansen #370 - Commander in Chic - .. Love it.. did a full review on it that you can see right here!
Ohh.. check out these adorable cupcakes I got at the store tonight..
I got a pumpkin one for Brandon, A Frankenstein for Jackson, and a flower for me. Husby didn't want one!
I will have a more detailed post on these later this weekend! I love cupcakes and I love that a lot of times its so simple to make some adorable little cupcakes!
The rest of the night was spent bitching at the dog for being so hyper.. bitching at husby for making the dog so hyper.. and a long bath!
But just a little bit ago.. we got some great video of
Gypsy and the other cats playing.. husby was playing too and I am videoing!
They really are the cutest cats ever. I know everyone thinks their cats are the best kittys in the world.. But this is different.. My cats seriously are the coolest cats ever! I really do love cats.. all cats.. and I think its a great life being able to raise these beautiful cats. Amazing.. and I am so thankful to my husband for being ok with living with the crazy cat woman! Love you baby!
Brandon is going into work tomorrow. He has to work every other weekend so it will be an easy day around here. It will just be Jackson and I till after 4pm. I am hoping he lets me sleep in till at least 11:30. Most of the time when he wants me to wake up.. he will come into my room, turn on the tv, and cuddle with me until I wake up laughing.. and it works every time! He's so cute!!!
I hope you all have a great weekend! I have a - What's in my Bag - video coming up tomorrow and some other fun posts!
K Jaggers
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