Good Morning.
It sure does suck being up this early. I hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scott left early for work so I had to get up and take Jackson to school. Both boys were frustrating this morning. So I am happy to have a quiet house right now where I can enjoy a cup of coffee in peace!
Not much going on today. I need to work around the house some and I also need to get all the cats brushed out. Plus I do have some more fall decorations to get put out too. But right now.. COFFEE!!
I am sitting here watching the news and they are talking about the White House Computers that someone tried to hack into. Ummmmm... DUMB ASSES.. don't you know they know they will get caught and end up going to prison? I think those are the last computers that anyone should be trying to hack into. Probably that anonymous cult or Romney! =)
It looks like the feed is still messed up. I really need to get on the phone to try to figure this mess out. Again.. if you didn't get our daily email like normal.. please resubscribe for email alerts at the top. I am so sorry for the problems. I don't know what it is but I'm working on it.
Have a great Tuesday!
K Jaggers
What is wrong with people?? What would make a person think they could get away with hacking in to the White House Computers? Of all the stupid things to do. ;)
ReplyDeleteSorry your having issues with your feed.
It's been a rough morning for me too. My little girl has an internal alarm clock that goes off around 5:00 am EVERY morning. No matter when I put her to bed that's when she get's up. I've had two cups of tea and I'm almost kind of awake now. My little girl has finally realizes she's tired and it's not even 10:00 am yet. At least she's not getting into stuff, I hope. ;)
Have a great day!