Dear Fall, hurry up! I can't wait to get the warm days, cool nights and amazing beauty that you bring. Dear Brittany, Do you have any idea how proud I am of you? I miss you so much. Dear DNC 2012, you totally inspired me... and mad me proud to be an American. Dear Vacuum, I know its about time to replace you but could you just hold off till the first of year please? Dear youtube.. my son is completely in love with you! I am a youtube lover too, so I know what he is going through! Dear Mom, it worries the hell out of me with you driving so far on your own. I will feel so much better when you walk through your front door. BTW.. you are a great mom and even though at times the road has been bumpy with us.. I love you so much and I couldn't ask for a more loving and involved mother. Dear Stars, I sat outside on the deck just looking at you and getting lost in the beauty of the night. And did you hear my wish? Dear Scott, I had a really good time with you last night.. I think we are turning into fabulous adults together! =) You make me smile more than any other man ever has. I love you sweetheart. Dear late night cravings.. you are getting totally out of control. Grrrrr.. last night I was loving the cotton candy dipping dots! Dear kitty cats, I want to come back to your lives where you lay in the sun all day , play at night, and have someone prepare all your meals. BUT.. could we please get some kittens soon! Dear Jackson, You are doing so good in school. I knew you could do it! Dear Ex Husband, Just when I think you are being nice Mr. Asshole shows up again and reminds me why I divorced you... Deep Breath.. Dear bookstore.. we need a date together soon! My phone and kindle are great but nothing beats a real book. Dear Readers, I love you guys! Thanks for coming back day after day to share our lives with us! =)
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Have a beautiful Friday!
K Jaggers
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Have a beautiful Friday!
K Jaggers
we need the cooler nights already!
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