Fill in the __ Friday

Friday, September 7, 2012
My favorite grade in school was 

I hated school from kindergarten till I got to college. I'm serious.. I thought my days could be better spent doing something other than sit in a stuffy classroom all day. BUT.. I think 2nd grade had to be the best. That year, I made some life long friends who I still talk to now. So yea.. 2nd Grade! 

My favorite teacher was, because

Again.. that would have to have been my 2nd grade teacher Mrs Habermel. She was kind and she eventually became principle of the school. 

 The highest level of education I have completed is

I have an A.S. in Paralgeal Studies - A B.S. in Business Management - and also a Certificate in Baking and Pastry. I hated school until college and then I started loving it! 

School lunches for me were usually

Ha! I went to private schools most of the time and the moms would either have to donate money or donate time in the lunch room. So our lunches were actually pretty amazing! We had a team of moms who cooked homemade lunches everyday.. 

The amount of money you'd have to pay me to go back to high school would be

It would have to a million or more. I don't do mornings and it would take a lot to make me repeat those years. 

A few things that will always remind me of going back to school are

I would never be on time getting out the door... so my grandfather would put my cereal and milk in a big ziplock bag and I would eat it on the way to school ... Looking back, I find it hilarious!! But it worked!

The first day of school was always

Fun getting to put on new clothes, new backpack, and school supplies. But I was always tired the first day and happy to get home!

Happy Friday!

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K Jaggers

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