1. One thing I plan on doing
to relax this weekend is
Gosh.. I really don't know. I normally take Saturdays pretty easy until late afternoon. I like to sit around, drink coffee, blog.. and watch cooking shows!
2. A big pet peeve of mine
making the coffee the night before and then the pot being empty when I get up. In this house, if you drink the last cup of coffee.. you better make more!
3. I am really loving
watching the leaves fall from my couch in my living room. Love the big windows! Its so beautiful to watch them just floating threw the air! I even saw a feather floating through the air when I was sitting on the back deck having tea.
4. The rain is
Calming.. relaxing.. and I love how it seems to make everything fresh and vibrant. I love rain.. I don't really like cold winter rain but rain just calming to me.
5. My favorite girly indulgence is
Makeup.. makeup..makeup!! I have a ton of make up.. so much so I have started to find alternative ways to store it. I finally decided on storing in it a old roll top desk.. which I must say.. is working really well!
6. A song I always get stuck in my head is
Sexy Back from Justin Timberlake was my ringtone for a couple of years.. and because of that... this song is always in my head!
7. The best cure for stress
A long bubble bath. Nothing does a body as good as a long soak in a warm bath. What's really nice in my house is my husband and I give each other baths when we are stressed out or tired. . Seriously.. it feels amazing. I seem to give more baths than what I get but no matter what.. I am always in a hot bath at the end of the night!
Happy Friday
K Jaggers
Sitting outside with a cup of tea sounds absolutely perfect!