Tuesday.. Tuesday.. Tuesday..

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Well we are moving along with the week huh? I woke up feeling like shit again. YEP...and it sucks. My head was pounding when I opened my eyes and stomach pain off the charts. So I allowed myself to wake up easy, took some Advil and starting to feel better.

Last night I dreamed husby was in politics.. and went a big speech and I ended up leaving him! Guess it was too hard to publicly stand beside a republican! =)))))  When I told him about the dream, he liked it because he , as I have always had a huge interest in political science. BUT we would be on opposite sides. I told him the other night to just go on in to the voters booth and vote for Obama and just lie and tell everyone he voted for the other 2 bozos! He didn't like that idea too much! We are a very divided house and its funny to hear our debates!!

We don't have any big plans for the day. Jackson just reminded me that today we have to go to Art Blooms and pick our ceramics.. You can check out our latest pieces here!! I can't wait to see how my coffee cup turned out!

I have lots of blog link ups going on today.. but first stay tuned for some coupons post and freebies!


K Jaggers

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