I am so tired tonight. I don't know how much longer I am going to be able to keep my eyes open. I just got out of a really hot bath and I am thinking that might have made me even more sleepy than what I already was. I know I didn't really write much about it much today but I was in a lot of pain today. I ate something that just didn't agree with me which caused me really bad stomach pain today. =( Its actually been really bad at points but I am hoping once I fall asleep.. the pain is over. I was feeling so bad that husby brought home dinner for us. It was much appreciated being it was hard just standing tonight.
Even though I was feeling bad tonight, I decided to move the tvs around. We have a lot of tvs around here but my kitchen tv has been upstairs.. another tv in the study which wasn't getting used.. so I hauled them to new spots.. BUT.. I couldn't figure out the wires in the back that hook up the cable boxes. I think I was just tired and feeling bad because that is the kind of thing I normally take care of. However, husby came home and saved the day. He got them all hooked up and I was super relieved for the help. Now the kitchen tv is back where it belongs and there is no big tv that isn't getting used in the study anymore. I also wanted to get the kitchen mopped but that sure in the hell didn't happen. Nope... so that job is waiting on me tomorrow too.
I also skipped out on running to the market. Having a stocked pantry and freezer is letting me get away with my delayed trips to the store. Plus having husby pick up dinner helps too! I might try to make that happen tomorrow too. But that depends if I am feeling better or not.
I wasn't too happy tonight when Scott told me he was going to work to tomorrow. One of the other bozos is on vacation and he has to fill in. Scott and the dealership is sponsoring everyone at the pool tomorrow night. They are parking some new cars out in front.. paying for the admission to everyone who comes to family swim night so we will for sure be at the pool tomorrow. It might rain the afternoon but since he is having this event, I hope that its dry once 7pm comes around. Jackson doesn't even realize that we are going swimming tomorrow so he is gong to be happy when he finds out. Another thing that kinda aggravated me today was husby left his phone at home. I guess I could have just took it to him but I didn't.. Instead I had to go through the office to get ahold of him all day.. which SUCKED. But whatever.. and I bet tomorrow he doesn't forget it.
Check out the picture of little
Sean Michael
Omg.. is he not the cutest!?

Courtney told me to tell Scott that he is ready to start selling cars! Ha! Scott loves this little guy.. Every time he sees him.. he picks him right up and starts giving him loves. Its precious! He is growing up so freaking fast! He was so little when we saw him in the hospital but he is growing like a weed! I think I am going to have Courtney, the boys, her sister, and maybe even her mom over for a cookout soon. It might be a back to school cookout! =) I love her mom and I am excited to meet her sister!
Also our daughter Laura posted some new pictures of the girls..
Haper looks so sweet and happy with her big sister!

We are trying to get a fall trip planned to Gatlinburg with all the kids. I really need to work on getting the dates figured out so we can book a cabin. When we are having a vacation with all the kids ( the big kids and little kids ) I think a cabin works out so much better. First off.. kids are LOUD and its nice to not have to worry about keeping them hushed up in a hotel room.. Second.. we don't have to eat every meal out when we stay in a cabin because they come with a full kitchen.. and we also get our own hot tub! So yea.. its a deal to just get a cabin, and it also gives us a little extra money to spend in the city! Can't wait for that trip!
Anyway, I am super tired.. super grumpy.. and I have to be up at 7 to call Brittany Belle.
Sweet Dreams
K Jaggers
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