Trying to get sleepy..

Monday, August 13, 2012

I have been tired all evening and still I am having trouble getting sleepy to fall asleep.. Does that make any sense?  I guess I should just go ahead and take my sleep meds and call it a day. My problem is.. I am never ready to shut off and take them. I think my brain not being able to stop is the main reason I can't sleep. I think.. think.. and think.. Good thing I have no big plans tomorrow that I have to get up early for.. Well, I do have to get up and call to make sure Brittany is up @ 7am. I can go back to sleep ( hopefully ) after I call her.

I did a ton of stuff around here which lead to..

A Tired Mom’s Dinner

I swear.. we are a pancake family. But it was the smoothies that were the best. I loved it. It was a prepacked smoothie mix that I will be doing a review on in the coming days. We all ate up, drank our " berry " good smoothies! After dinner we all piled up to watch tv for a couple hours. Jackson fell to sleep early. I knew he was exhausted because he turned into a little grump. Scott had to carry him to his bed and hes been dreaming for almost 5 hours now. Lucky boy! =)

I am going to miss Scott tomorrow. Its a long day for him. He won't even get home till around 830, which TOTALLY SUCKS! Mondays are not normally hard days for me but they are the day I miss Scott the most. I guess after having him home from the weekend just makes it hard to not see him. But I think he will be home most of the day on Tuesday. 

Tonight was also a night of amusing phone calls.. one of which was my ex husband.. Here was the conversation.. 

Him – “ I know you say bad stuff about me on the computer “

Me – “ What are you talking about?? The blog??

Him – “ I don’t read the blog.. I dont even know what a blog is”

Me – Yes you do.. I know you are on it.. and how would you know what I say on it if you dont read it?

Him – “ Im only on it every now and then”

Me - “ Well, if you think what I write is bad.. you should hear some of my private conversations.
Him - “ I guess you still hate me.

Me – “ I dont hate you.. I just got smarter...and you haven't caught up. ”

Him – “ Whatever “

Me – “Whats your Christmas plans? You coming up here?“

Him – “ I dont live by a calendar.. this is only August.. why dont you do the planning?

Me – “ Ok damit, I will. “

Him – “ Fine.. goodbye fancy organizer

Ok.. I seriously found this funny as funny as can be.. Maybe its in poor taste for me to have some laughs from him.. but I laughed my ass off from this conversation. First off hes bad a lying about being on here.He doesn't really lie to me much and it really shows when he does... and then calling me - fancy organizer - gave me a ton of laughs. You should know his nick name for husby is Fancy Pants.. which is hilarious too and now I am the fancy organizer. I think I am going to take that as a complement. =) I will plan his Christmas for him.. no problem! I want him to bring Brittany here for Christmas Eve and then he can take them to his moms if he wants. I am not sure if he will do it or not.. but if he needs the help planning.. then I will be happy to figure it out. Maybe I will make him a calender of December with all the dates planned out to help! 

Anyway, here's a little highlight of some of the upcoming posts this week for ya! 

Upcoming Posts
Monday Movie Review
Whats in my frig video
Tuesday Tips and Tricks
Smoothie Review
Amusing August Blog Hop
Thankful Thursday
New Polish Swatches
Wednesday Organization
Revlon Nails tool Review
Its Ok Thursday
Whats on the menu
Married Life
Fill in the ___ Friday
Houseplant dangers for kitty cats
Friday Letters
Along with..
Coupons and freebies
Sunday Coupon Preview
Weekly Drugstore Steals & Deals

I hope your Monday starts off and stays great! 


K Jaggers
2 comments on "Trying to get sleepy.. "
  1. Hey there, thanks so much for stopping by this past weekend and linking up at my Blog Hop. You're blog is adorable and I'm excited to read more from you. :) I'm a pancake fan also. lol


  2. Thank you so much! I loved your blog too.. Excited about getting to know you more!


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