Our looong journey to and from Louisiana!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Hellooo!! I did not take a ton of pictures ( at least for me ) on our trip.. If I wasn't sleeping, I was driving. We didn't go to hang out and visit the city.. we went to get a little boy and that's just what we did! 

Friday we took off later than what we wanted.. but we did get going!!

It was a beautiful evening as we made it down the road..

I think the sun and cloud looked so beautiful. 

That only lasted for a while.. then we hit 

lots and lots of 


We both thought some quick food from Waffle House would do the trick.. and 

the coffee really hit the spot! 

We got some breakfast and 

and in a a very quick amount of time it was on the table.. 

I have to say that this Waffle House was one of the best I ever had been too.. 

It was so clean and so efficent.. I couldn't believe at how good this Waffle House ran. They were all busy either cleaning, cooking or waiting on customers. 

Then back in the car for many more hours of driving in the rain.. 

We finally stopped in Mississippi for the night. We were exhausted and just couldn't go any further. 

We woke up to another day of 


We drove about another 5 hours to 

Zanes house. It slowed down just long enough to pack up the car with his stuff and also get 

Zane loaded up.. We drove to another couple of hours.. and then we stopped at 

Cracker Barrel for dinner. Scott was exhausted.. He just couldn't go any further.. 

So he went to sleep and I drove.. I ended up in some more traffic going.. 

Thankfully, we at least we were moving. 

We came upon one wreck on the same side as us and less than 5 seconds down t

there was another serious wreck. 

It looked like a really bad wreck.. Guess it was the rain. 

We drove as long as we could and then we stopped again.. got some sleep and I ended up driving us into 

Charlotte. Zane loved this plane flying so low! 

We were making our way to 

Courtneys.. Thank goodness for that ipad because it was a total hit in the car! 

Ohh.. and it was still raining in Charlotte.. 

We finally made it to Courtneys.. and guess who was there!? 

A cute little sleeping baby boy! 

He went right into Scott's arms.. 

He looks so grumpy.. but I think it was the baby fussing and Scott was just talking to him and patting his little butt! 

I love seeing my husband with a baby! Nothing is sweeter!

And before long all 3 kids were loaded up and heading to home with us! 

It was a long exhausting weekend for us.. Brittany and Jackson had a great time at Corutneys. I still have a bunch of pictures from their weekend with her that I will be posting in just a little bit!

Stay tuned!


K Jaggers