
Friday, June 15, 2012 myspace graphic comments

Happy Friday to you all. I slept so good last night and I feel a lot better right now. No toothache either! Wooo-hooo!!! I actually locked my door last night and it was great for keeping the kids out and letting me sleep. I won't lie.. I feel a little guilty about it but it worked. Both boys were up early.. and Brittany and I both slept in for a while. I got up about 1030 and she just got up. I am so happy the boys are now old enough to get some cereal.. play in the house... and not need me up to give a bottle or anything. As I said.. I want all my kids to get a little more sufficient on their own! 

I don't know what the day holds around here. I think we will staying close to home if I have anything to say about it. That swimming took a lot of me and being sick all day yesterday took everything I had. The kids are back to max energy!!

I have been calling husby for an hour.. no answer.. called the dealership.. no husby.. then finally called one of the salesmen and found out he is in a a big meeting. Oy.. he usually tells me but I don't think he knew it was happening today. I am sure they are going over everything in there right now. I am sure he is hating every minute of it too! Feel sorry for him right now and CANT WAIT TO TALK TO HIM!!! Today is an early day and so is tomorrow.. and Sunday he is here all day so I am so excited. I think Fridays are going to have a new meaning to me with all the kids here. I think I will be looking at them like relief is coming! I need the help some days.. its not always easy with a house full of kids.. so I am looking forward to his help! 

I didn't mention to you guys last night about my what happened with my car again. We were taking off to the pool.. forgot something. I backed into the driveway.. and put it in park.. went inside.. and then tried putting it in drive.. .and NOPE.. I was pissed.. I ended up making the kids get out of the car.. and flipped out on the phone to Scott...I got mad and hung up.. and then the kids and I kinda rocked the car.. and it did shift into drive. We just got it out of the shop.. and this should not be happening. I am pissed that it wasn't fixed right.. that the kids swimming was in jeopardy..and it has to go back to the shop soon. So really kind ticked off over my car.. but it will get fixed..I seriously don't know what the problem is with fixing it right.. Anyway..=/

 I have a lot of coupon deals to get up! The boys are on xbox and Brittany is laying around watching tv. I am happy that we are having an easy start! 

Have a great Friday! 


K Jaggers