Do you guys remember when I told you in this → Post ← about the great Philosophy deal!? I love getting good deals and here is what I got.. I paid a total of $4.80 for these items.
I go this great smelling
Brown Cookie Shampoo, shower gel, and bubble bath! Its only 4 oz but its perfect for travel and I plan on saving this little container and refilling it when needed.
I got to pick 2 samples...
I got this
The Microdelivery exfoliating facial wash. Can't wait to try this out!
I also picked out this
Grace Shampoo, bath & shower gel. Another I can't wait to try!
I could smell the brown butter cookie shampoo, bath and shower wash before I ever got the box open!!! I will get a review up of it after I try it out some!
K Jaggers