Garden Update!! - Husby Help! =) -

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Yesterday was a very busy day for us around here. We were in and out and here and there.. but we finally made it home and got some gardening done! A couple of days ago I did fertilize everything with Miracle Grow.. I wanted to make my own.. that I showed you in this Post... but I forgot to keep buying everything I needed to make it! So I just bought some regular old Miracle grow. I don't really like the ones you hook to the hose.. because you end up fertilizing all kinds of things.. from the grass to the weeds.. I prefer mixing it up in a watering can and just going from plant to plant. It does make a little extra work when you have a lot of plants to do.. but I think it works best rather wasting all that expensive fertizler.

While we were out.. husby and I went to Walmart and got some more flowers and plants.

We have a lot of area to fill up.. I kinda want it like an English Garden out there but its going to take a while to build it up... and a lot of plants. So I am just going to keep filling it up until we get it the way we want it.

I was lucky yesterday because husby was out there doing most of the work!

I just took the plants and put them where I wanted.. and

Scott did the planting.

He planted the

Dill for me in the herb section..

He planted

Hostas in both flower beds.

He also planted these

on both sides too. We have 2 flower beds on front of the house that parts with the walkway to the front door. So we have been buying double for both sides..

We also bought double

of these pretty flowers ( I originally showed you here ... and couldn't remember the name or find the marker!! )

But they are

The Better Homes

- Calibrachoa -

I love them.. I think they are so friendly looking!

Scott got the planting done and then started..

watering everything.. which takes some time for us. See that sprayer thing on the hose?? That is what I was telling you that we got from Big Lots in Last Nights Post. He loved using it.. and in just a little while.. I am going to see how I like it when I water the flowers.

A little bit later, I got busy


I got the first veggie plants done. .

I planted

and I also planted


red bell peppers too.

I will most likely have to replant the zucchini because I think the pot may be too small. But it will be fine for a while..

Pretty easy.. One thing that I not liking so much is that I am limited on how much I can plant.. I am use to a pretty good size garden so this is really a change for me. I got 2 pepper plants and felt like I should have 4.. I have only 4 tomato plants but feel like I should have planted 10.. and so on..Its been a while since I have planted vegetable plants in containers. So I guess I am just going to have to deal with the smaller amount of plants and still hope that I will be able to harvest a nice amount of produce. We'll see.

The entire time we are outside we are always playing ball with Super Cooper. Yesterday it was really hot so we

kept giving him fresh cold water. Again.. if you have pets outside.. give them lots of cold water, and keep it in the shade. Its getting really hot here and most animals really should be in the house or at least in the shade.

It was such a beautiful day out. I  love that everything is green and bright.. love it!
Husby was relaxing from all his hard work in the front yard..

so he was just out here hanging with me. =) The back deck is one of our favorite places of the entire house.

The cucumbers are doing great too!

One thing I really hate is where some stupid person spray painted something on the deck and there is that tacky blue square. I think next weekend I am going to try to get Scott to fix that some how. I figure we will have to stain the entire deck to make it look right. What a dumb ass. Its not an easy fix and I hate it.

Once the kids are here.. those woods are going to be like a little mystical Forest for them to play in.. Can't wait!!

K Jaggers