I wonder if my grandfather can hear my heart.. if can, he knows how much I miss him. I think of him so many times through out the day. Hes always on my mind. I know its not forever.. I know when my life ends, he will be there.. but the time in between is what is hard. All my good memories of him, of us, of our family are all kinda bitter sweet for me. I love having them. I am thankful for the time we had together, but I miss him and those memories just keep popping up in everything I do. I miss him. =(
Anyway, tonight was pretty easy. The guys got home late again..so I had plenty of time to get things done today.
I did wake up super late today. I couldn't believe how late I slept.. but it felt good and made it where I could keep up with the busy day that laid ahead.
I got up.. cleaned up.. and then took off to town.
Look at the house I showed you last night in this post.. all that is left by time I drove back past it was this..
Looks like the fireplace is built strong.. its basically the only thing still standing.. Ironic huh? Really sad.
I made it on to Walmart and did some shopping..
Got some household stuff, pet stuff, garden stuff, and even a birthday gift!
I was going to stop by the dealership and see husby but I just wanted to get everything done that I needed to do.
I went on and then went to the market to get some food. I didn't want to do it all at Walmart but I could have.. instead I went to Ingles and picked up some food.
Not much but a few items for a new recipe and a few snacks.
After that I was on my way to CVS to pick up some other things - you can see that post here -
I looked at the car coming out of the store and realized it needed a bath.. I was already near home so going to the dealership was out of the question but I did stop and let the
automatic car wash clean it all up.
So much easier than doing it yourself.. I don't ever wash cars.. no thank you.. too big and just not my thing.. I would rather pay the $7 and let the machine do all the work.. or husby can do it... =)
I then came home to find that my
Target Beauty Bag had came in!! Yayyyyy!! I love these.. and I hope that you guys got one ordered.. if not check out my freebie post right here to see how you can maybe still get one. The post also has a bunch of freebies that I had stacking up waiting to blog about.. I love freebies in the mail.. Love them.. kinda obsessed!! So many friends and family always want to know how they can get them. That is why I post the deals every day.. and why you should check back often. I have so many items that were just free.. and they come in so handy sometimes. Plus its also nice to try some new things out with no expensive to you. So check back daily or get on the email list - you can sign up at the top of the → right side bar →. If you follow me on facebook I also post them on there for you too... with a link to the blog post!
Once I got some lunch in me.. I got busy working outside in the flowers.
and even planted some
cucumbers.. and the will vine right up the deck.. How handy is that built in trellis!? I am not growing a ton of any veggie.. its just us.. and the kids in the summer.. so we don't need a lot of any particular vegetable. Cant wait for these to grow! To see my full Garden Update Post you can click here.
I then blogged for a little while and and waited on the guys to get home.. For dinner I decided to give a twist to a Pioneer Women's Steak Sandwich recipes.. I also made bacon and cheese fries to dip in ranch dressing.
It was a very informal kind of dinner in front of th tv.. I put the ranch for each of us in tea cups - pretty cute - and that was it.. It was simple to make and
the guys loved it.. I mean loved it.. You could feed a crowd with these too. I will have the full post of tonight's dinner up in the coming days.
It wasn't long after dinner that I was soaking away in
warm soft bath and almost falling asleep.. until husby busted in and wanted to know where the extra battery's were because his remote was dead. Sigh.. he has no idea where anything in this house is. Most of the time he doesn't even look. So my bath ended about that time so I could help him.
Since then I have been blogging away! I have lots of new post on the blog including
this weeks Beauty Steals and Deals.. Lots and Lots of great deals posted. To see the full list click here. I also put up some other coupons including a really good rare Miracle Grow coupon that I am for sure going to use!
Speaking of coupons.. Tomorrow is going to be a great Sunday Paper Coupon Day!!! First you can see the full post of coupons by clicking here but there should be 4 inserts in most papers!!
I will be buying 2 or 3 of them.. and also in the post I just mentioned about the coupons is a link to my youtube video on how I organize coupons if you want to check it out. I basically just take the inserts, use a sharpy and mark the date on it, and file it.. and then clip when needed. Such as when a great deal pops up, or before heading out to do shopping. Planning is everything with saving money with coupons!
And now I am just
laid up in bed getting ready to get some sleep. I don't have much planned for tomorrow. The guys are both playing golf when they get up.. so I should be waking to a quiet house. Its suppose to be 87.. so I might have to head out and get a few more plants and do some yard work. Looks like it is going to be a great day for it!
I also have a birthday box to get packaged up so I can take it to the post office on Monday. Something got lost last time I mailed it.. so this time I am going to go myself and make sure its done right. Normally husby takes care of it.. but too many problems can happen with that!
Anyway, I hope you have a great day with your families!
Sorry about all the links but I had a lot I wanted to share with you guys.. and links makes it easier!
Off to dream.. about my grandfather no doubt.. I think when I need him the most, I dream about him. He raised me and was my father. Its terrible to morn the death of your parent. It cripples me some days and takes my breath right away. He's always with me now.. and thats just carries me through.
K Jaggers