Sunday Greetings!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Afternoon friends!

Happy Happy Sunday! Sunday's are normally one of my favorite days. Husby is home.. not thinking or talking about work..and we normally just relax. Last night I think I must have fallen asleep around 330 am last night. And little Jackson was blowing up my phone this morning around 7am. Thankfully, I remembered to turn my ringer down. He is loving his new phone. He calls my mom, Scott, Don, anyone he can ... and my little Jackson starts really early with those calls. I hate turning my ringer down because I am nervous about something happening to either of the kids or my grand mother but if I don't... I won't get any sleep! I am hoping after a couple weeks the new wears off the phone and he stops calling so early! He's so dang cute that its hard to not just laugh and laugh! He leaves me the cutest messages ever! That little boy stole my heart like no other. Jackson is my wild child but he has such a big heart.. and I can't wait to wrap my arms around him!

Well, I have the house to myself for a few hours today. Husby and Michael went

to play some golf. I can't believe they went in the chilly weather but they both have been itching to get back on the golf course. Both of them put in so many hours at the dealership that I think its good that they have some way to escape and forget the world for just a few hours. Just in case you didn't know.. we actually met Michael and his father on the golf course about 3 years ago and we all have been great friends since. At the time Michael was out of work, and husby told him to come to the dealership for a job.. and the rest is history. He turned out to be a great friend to us and quickly became a a really good car guy. Its funny because the other night he came home bitching about some customer..I couldn't believe how much of a car guy he has turned into!

I am betting they won't be but a few hours today. I really need to head to the store later so I can pick up something for dinner but I am in no hurry at all. Today's plans are pretty simple.. just work on laundry, pick up a little around the house, make dinner and relax. I like to keep things pretty simple on the weekend. Ohh.. going to go down the road in a little bit and look for Giovanni too. Then later in the evening after dinner, I am going to work on emails. Plus I will be blogging throughout the day too! So super simple day.. right now the guys are out... so I am taking a hour or so to myself.

I sure hope your Sunday is going good.. GO GET YOUR SUNDAY PAPER!! 3 inserts today.. and if you don't want to clip the coupons.. then just stack them up till you are ready to use them. I like to take a sharpie and write the date on each of the inserts so I know what dates they are from.. that way I see something on sale.. then told that its in the 1/5 RP ( red plum insert ), I can flip right to it. I should have mentioned the date thing earlier.. sorry!

Well going to get another cup of coffee and get dressed!

Have a great day..

I 'll be back in a bit!

K Jaggers
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