Loreal Infallible Shadow & Maybelline Tattoo Haul..

Thursday, January 26, 2012

I had to run to the store which is right beside of CVS.. So I stopped in. I had one Maybelline Eye Tattoo to take back.. I bought 2 of the same color and didn't realize it! While I was exchanging it for another color I picked up a couple other things.. 

Here is what I got.. 

I got the teal Maybelline Tattoo and two more of the Loreal Infallible shadows. 

This one is 

this really really pretty dark blue. 

Then I got.. 

this pretty shimmery green Loreal Infallible Shadow. 

Golden Sage..

You guys know I am a sucker for these little Maybelline Color Tattoo pots. 
This one is in

Tenacious Teal

Another beautiful color. 

Here are the swatches.. 

I love these. Its almost hard to tell which one is the odd ball! 

I plan on doing a big big post on the Loreal Infallible shadows. If I would have wrote about these after my first few uses, I probably would have had a different review. I will tell you now, these are very nice shadows and it just takes some time to get use to them. Much Much more info, swatches, and video coming soon. 

Of course, the Maybelline Eye Tattoo pot is amazing. If you didn't see my most recent post on these, you can click right HERE to check it out. 

Sooo happy with my purchases tonight! 

My friend told me today that Rite Aide has Maybelline Buy one, get one 1/2 off + 3 up rewards with a $10 purchase. So the Tattoo pots come out to about $ 5 each!!!! She also told me they have Borghese Polish @ 75% off and that comes to about $ 2 a bottle!!!  What a great deal on that nail polish! 

I would have ran right out but I checked in our local Rite Aide about 2 days ago and they had none of the Maybelline Eye Tattoos. Which is driving me crazy! But I will keep checking! 

Ohh.. these pictures were taken with my phone.. Not too bad huh?

Anyway, if you have tried any of these let me know.. I would love to hear your thoughts about them!

Stay tuned for a late night review!

K Jaggers