Instead of sheeps.. I count ↓ ↓ ↓

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Its 3am so this post is going to have to be fast because I need to get to sleep soon. I am wide awake too. I guess tomorrow I am just going to have to drag my ass out of bed and just stay up so I am tired tomorrow night. The challenge will be taking off my soft sleep mask and climbing out of the bed when I am going to feel really tired. But I think it needs to happen because this late night life of mine is just too much.. even for me. Not falling asleep till after 6am sucks no matter how I look at it.

I spent most of the day cleaning around here. It looks really good downstairs and even upstairs isn't that bad for tomorrow. I didn't run to the post office today like I should have, so HAVE to do that tomorrow. Brittany would kill me if she knew I didn't do it today!

The BLT BAR seemed to be a good choice for tonight. The guys ate it up and even the last orange wedge is gone. And clean up was super easy. I got it all cleaned up in less than 10 minutes. Love that! Also I did brush review ( one of many ) that includes a quick video review too. So if you haven't checked it out yet, just click HEREto get to it. Its a great review and you guys might just be surprised at how I feel about them!

The guys seemed pretty happy watching the game downstairs tonight. I didn't even know either of them had gone to bed until I went down there to get something to drink. I don't think Scott is use to spending the evening without me because he was up here messing me with me off and on. We are a pair.. and it just doesn't feel right being apart. We hold hands on the couch watching tv..we talk all the time and even though their are days I could ring his neck, he is the love of my life. Everything I prayed for in a man. And our relationship is something out of fairytales. The love between us has just increased with each passing year. What more could I ask for. Tonight he was laying on the bed up here with me while I was taking pictures of beauty items watching Its Complicated.. Looked comfy and happy next to me! He brought up going to Louisiana again. He wants to go in a month or so. There is a person down there he wants to go see and really wants me to go too. He knows I am not so crazy about it but I guess we are going. See those travel size brushes will come in handy huh!?

No big plans for tomorrow except getting that box to the post office and picking up the house where needed!

Have a great day.. Don't forget its

so stay tuned to see this weeks tips!


K Jaggers
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