Welcome to Saturday..

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Afternoon friends.

I sure hope you are having a great Saturday!

I know many of you read last nights post about the dog. I woke up to about 10 emails about what to do with him. Thank you guys for your suggestions. Last night I left 2 notes for Scott. I left one by the coffee pot warning him to put the dog in the garage before he leaves because I couldn't supervise him around the cats and kittens if I am sleeping. I put a post it on the front door telling them again that Cooper better be in the garage. Well I woke up and that's exactly where he was. Thankfully so. I also know I was pretty harsh about the dog but I was super upset. I am tired of dealing with his shit. I am tired of not being able to not trust him. I'm not sure what to do but I will be working on this situation. I will keep you guys posted. Right now he is outside on his lead. The best place for him, if you ask me.

Scott is due home at 4 today. I don't think we have any big plans or anything. I am still feeling kinda under the weather and I am hoping we just stay in . I know I am going to have to cook. I have had the last 2 nights off and that I bet tonight that won't be the case!

I have lots of post coming up today so stay tuned! I really don't plan on doing much except taking it easy and playing online. I do have to pick up the house a bit but I don't have to do much because I worked a lot last night around here getting things done. Laundry is basically caught up and that's a huge plus for me! I don't even make the beds on the weekends... unless we have company coming over. I make beds every day and I get so tired of it so I take the weekends off! =)

Talk to you guys in a bit!

Have a great day!

K Jaggers
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