Sweet Dreams

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I should be in bed at this hour ( 2 am ) being I have been so tired but the insomanic in me lives on. I need to take my sleep meds but yea.. haven't done that yet. Husby is always on me to take them eariler but I am so use to late nights that I don't really like to end my night at 10 or 11 pm.. Just have never went to bed at that time..

Right now I am eating a snack while I blog to you guys..

I know its hard to tell..but there is a hard sugar coating on the top of the great fruit and its amazing..

I love it!!!

Perfect bed time snack..

I didnt' even cook dinner tonight again. I was just not feeling good.. Husby worked till 8 pm and ate that white chili all day so he was good with snacking for dinner too. even though I just finished the grapefruit, I still feel hungry.. Hummm.. may have to get another quick snack in a bit!

I was totally unproductive today, which sucked. I should have just forced myself to get up and do something. Tomorrow is laundry.. laundry.. laundry... and some house cleaning too. I don't think Scott is taking his day off because he is off for Thanksgiving. I would love him home but will get more done if hes not here. I am still thinking he will be working a 1/2 day only.. Have to wait and see!

Tonight he came home, watched Dancing with the stars and then House. Quickly after House was over he got in a hot shower for a while and since he has been snoring in the bed! I can hear him upstairs right now..Hope he is having a great dream! ♥

So I hope you guys like the new blog back ground! I got a few emails about it and so far so good!! I also got the link at the top of the blog with WEEKEND NOTES. Just click the icon and it will take you to the current weeks notes. There is a TON of information in there and I would check it out because I am sure there is something that will be beneficial to you!! Tomorrow I will be getting a layaway post up because I know it helps a lot of families. I will also be adding that to the notes too. So there will be 2 post of it.. A normal post and an updated notes post. I am afraid that if I don't do a new one, a lot of you guys will skip over the updated notes post!! But until the holidays are over, I think its something that will stay on weekend notes. I promise to get that frugal coffee post up tomorrow too! I have had a lot of request for that one! Its basically 2 little tips that will help save on your coffee bill.. And since I like expensive coffee, this totally saves me money! I want to get a few holiday looks up too. So stay tuned! I still think I am going to get the Married Life post up on Thursday even though its Thanksgiving, I feel like that night a lot of you guys sill will read it! If you haven't checked out that post yet, its another not to miss!! Just click HERE to check it out!

Well its 239 and I am off to bed. Also, I know I got a few emails tonight that I really need to answer.. will be working on emails tomorrow night. So check your in boxes!

Have a Terrific Tuesday!!


K Jaggers

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