Happy Thanksgiving Family and Friends

Thursday, November 24, 2011


I sure hope you are having a great day so far!

I am sure many of your are busy ..

cooking and getting everything done for a big big feast!!

I hope this day you reflect on what you are thankful for. Even if it's not said out loud, I hope you think about it to yourself. Its a day of really being thankful for everything you have. Even when you don't have that much. I bet the today the homeless community is grateful for all the kind people cooking and serving them meals. You just have to search your heart and I am sure there is many things you are thankful for. I would love to hear it so if you have time today or over the weekend, email me and let me know! kishajaggers@aol.com

Thank you to all my family that has loved me, supported me and helped me grow over these 35 years. Thank you even to the ones that are on the other side now. Thank you God for blessing me with the most beautiful children ever. Thank you to my beautiful husband who loves me even on my grumpy days, and who has given me so much happiness.. I can't even tell you how much I love you Scott. There are no words.  Thank you to my Mom who has loved me since day one and who has been loyal all my life. Thank you to my sister who I love very much and find really funny! Thank you to all my family and extended family for making me feel loved and appreciated. Trina.. I love you! Thank you to my friends who I plan on growing old with.. You girls know who you are and thank you to you guys.. who come to this blog day in and day out just see what's going on in our lives. And thank you God for these beautiful cats that you allow me to love. They bring so much joy to my life.

Thank you God.. Thank you..

Happy Thanksgiving.. stay tuned for Married Life post to come up in a bit!


K Jaggers
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