
Friday, October 7, 2011

Hello everyone. I hope you are feeling better than I am! Well right now I am all medicated up and having hot flashes on and off but I can talk right now which is a bonus! I already got my calls in to Scott and my mom.. Because once the pain medication wares off.. I will be back to silent.

I did manage to sleep through the night last night. I was so relived when I woke up and realized I had got a full nights sleep. I was swollen and sore but sleeping felt great.

Well today has not been too busy. My house is a mess, but I am in the process of picking it up little by little. I also took off to the grocery store.. I wanted to get some can kitten food for my babies. While I was there.. I was looking at the soups on the salad bar ( I can't eat much other than soup right now ) and ended up laying my phone down in that area and walked off. It was only a few minutes before I realized I didn't have it. I was panicked.. I have insurance on it but I don't really have the extra $ it would take to replace it. Its 100.00 to replace even with insurance. I mean.. we have it.. but I just don't need that extra expense right now. So I went back through the store.. went up to customer service to see if anyone turned it in.. NOPE.. and then went back to the salad bar and it was still laying where I left it.. I was really happy to have found it. But by this point.. I was feeling horrible. I put off taking any pain medication because I wanted to wait till I got home to take it. It messes me up and I didn't want to drive that way.

So I got home.. and got an antibiotic and a pain pill in me and some soup.. and then decided I would let the kittens try can food for the first time. I mixed it up with some can kitten milk and boy oh boy did they love it!! I also got their litter box out and ready.. ( theirs is a small one ) and put a cooking book to step up on to get into the box and 2 of my babies used it!! I was such a proud kitty mommy!


The 2 white ones were not so happy about trying to use it but in a matter of days before they start using it. I am happy they are starting to grow up a little bit. It does go by fast and I don't really want them growing up but I like it when they bounce around the house playing and self sufficient enough to eat and use the litter box! So yea good kitty news today!!

I am hoping like hell that Scott gets home right at 6. When I am not feeling good.. I like someone to be around.. Since mom can't be.. I want him. And he has always done really well taking care of me. I am going to lay down in a few minutes and take a little nap since this medication is kicking my butt. I am going to try to make some pasta tonight and try to get it down. I really chew anything hard right now but I am going to give spaghetti  a try. I am sure Scott won't be crazy about that but he will understand. I'm sure. Or maybe he can have a frozen pizza or something.

I am areally wanting to get pumpkins and carve them all up! I can't wait to get the rest of the fall decorations up! Another thing that will have to wait till I am feeling a little better.
Well nap time is here..

Talk to you later tonight.


Ohh.. sorry about not answering emails. I know its ideal to blog when I can't talk but its been really painful so I am either holding ice to my face or sleeping from the pain meds. I promise as soon as I get feeling a little better.. I will start sending out emails.

K Jaggers

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