Bed.. Now!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Well.. just getting around to being able to sit and down and chat for a few minutes.. and yes its almost 2 am and Im still up.. as always!

I have been busy packing the last few hours... I didn't get as much done today with packing as I would have liked. I packed a little, sorted through pictures and got most up them uploaded on blogger...I almost have all the youtube videos uploaded now too.. So really moving along!

Scott didn't get home till almost 9 pm tonight. I wasn't too happy about it but I guess thats just something I have to deal with after him taking off an entire week. I missed him.. and once he got home, he stayed up maybe an hour and a half and then he went right to bed. But he did meet the kittens when he got home! One of the best signs that I got the right husband this time is that he loves my cats as much as I do. I mean you can't get better than that. He had a huge smile on his face when looking those kittens over! Gotta love that man! As I said earlier.. Willow has been a real little shit with Gabby and the kittens. I never thought that she would act that way. She was growling and hissing at Gabby and the kittens.. and Gabby backed down to her.. I wasn't about to watch that happen.. so Willow has been getting drenched with the water bottle! She is starting to play nice with Gabby but she is still being kinda shy of the kittens. She just is not happy about them being here right now. I am keeping them separated most of the time anyway just to be safe until I know that she will act right around them.

I did get some cute pictures of little Willow tonight!

She is loving all the boxes we are sitting around!

You cant see me!!

Out she pops!

And here she comes!

How cute is she!? I think she looks a lot like her mommy!

I have a video coming up of the new kittens. I doubt I will get it up tonight but you should have it first thing tomorrow!

Tomorrow is more packing.. I will probably have to go get more boxes too but for the most part, I should be home. The house is looking pretty strange! Its bare now and boxes are every where. But thats just the way it is. This time next week we will be in our new house!! The house we are moving in is only 4 years old so its much nicer! I will get a video of it before we get all the furniture moved in!

I again didn't get to emails today.. I did scan over them as they came across on my phone. I saw the email asking when I am going to get back to some beauty post. Well. I have no idea when I will be able to get some of those post up.  So much is going on right now. I will try to get some fall looks up when I have the time!

Have a great Tuesday friends..


K Jaggers

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