
Monday, August 29, 2011

I was so happy when Scott walked in the door tonight. I missed him so much today. Its like that a lot of Monday's. Because after a weekend together it sadly ends when Monday rolls around. And on top of it, its a late night.

So it was so nice when he came home and settled into my arms. The love I feel is beyond any kind of measure.

We are 8 years in.. Almost 9 and it feels like we are still newly weds!

He even bought me home these...

beautiful flowers home for me tonight. Since I was so in love with the purple daisy's he got me a few days ago he picked these up for me... They smell ammmmmazzzing!!

It feels so good to have a love like this.  He said tonight that he is so excited about our vacation starting on Saturday! We have took more vacations in this year than any other year. I think this will make our 5 th vacation.. How awesome has this year turned out to be. Going to lay back on that boat and enjoy every minute we will have together.

I wouldn't want to live with that man.

Thank you God..

K Jaggers

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