First off.. Sorry things are not as they usually are with the food post. I normally sit everything out and take a picture and go step by step.. But recently, I have been just hurrying a long getting it done. So these are my fast pictures.. and if you can tell from the quality...they are pictures from my phone!
Hope you don't mind!
Here we go..
Last night I decided to make
I sliced up a few potatoes and onions, added a lot of garlic ( 4-5 cloves ) cover and cooked over medium until soft and golden..
The corn was left over fresh corn that I cut off the cob to fry up..
The flank steak had been marinating in a steak marinade for about 3 hours.
I used the indoor grill ( out door would have been better! ) and cooked it to medium rare..
After I took it off the grill, I let it rest for a couple minutes then sliced it up on the grain..
And dinner was served..
I know that this picture does not do it justice but this dinner was amazing..
Really simple and Really Good!!
K Jaggers
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