I didn't sleep so good.. well not that I didn't sleep good but.. I was wasn't ready to get out of the bed yet! It was around 1 pm when mom called and got me up! I am still trying to wake up but just not totally there yet!
Soooo freaking excited that we are leaving on Saturday. I have already made some calls today to help prepare for it. Got Gabby all set up to head to the vets office Friday afternoon. I have to take her Friday instead of Saturday because they are closed on Saturday for the holiday weekend. I hate that she has to go in a day early but I can't do anything about it. I feel better where a Dr. office is going to keep her in case anything goes wrong with her giving birth.
So like I said yesterday.. I am going to be working on clothes today for the trip. Really I want to match up my dresses with Scott's shirts and ties so thats what I am going to focus on today. I do need to run out and run a few errands but its Scott's late night so I should have plenty of time to get it all done!
I sure hope the kittens are doing ok in their new home. I feel really really good that I manged to keep them together. Funny I was worried about them not selling but little did I know that there was a very important family needed some happiness brought back into their lives... and that they would take both!Willow seems to be doing great without them. Gabby is doing pretty good. Big as ever! I wonder how many kittens she is carrying!! I wish she would have them before we leave.. I just know I am going to be on that boat and she is going to go into labor!
Well going to quickly email a friend and then get started on clothes!
I forgot that Gatlinburg → Day 3 ← has not been posted yet. So stay tuned today for that!
Happy Monday!!
K Jaggers
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