I don't know what is going on with me today.. Cant get motivated to do anything. Its raining right now and is kinda cool outside. Thinking I am going to enjoy a hot shower and then maybe head out to the market to find something for dinner. I can tell you now with me not doing anything today.. I am sure going to be busy tonight.
I miss Scott today. He's been really busy so we haven't talked that much but he did help me with getting a hold of someone today that I couldn't track down. So that took a lot of stress off of me.
Have you seen that the prosecutor of Jeff Ashton has a book out. Um hum... its going to be a good book. You know its strange but Jeff Ashton and Scott seem to have the same kind of personalities and even their body language is very similar. I kid you not.. He sure reminds me of husby every time I see him! Its strange how we all have twins out there! The book is ~ In Perfect Justice ~
Ohhh.. and its been said that Nancy Grace is going to be on the next season of Dancing with the Stars. You know, I love Nancy but I have a feeling that her dancing is going to be limited!! But I will still cheer for her. Someone asked me a couple of weeks ago why I liked her so much. I don't really except I feel her heart when she is trying to help get Justice for children. I think she is someone who stands up for what's right and a big part of me likes that. Cant wait to see her dancing!
I guess I have to get all luggage brought into today so I can start getting things together. Its going to be a lot of packing!! We have a lot that we have to get ready for and the count down is really on! After we get back..we have to start packing because we will be moving..
See so much going on!
The cat lady just called me.. She wanted to tell me how good and fun the kittens were last night! She said they ended up sleeping in bed with her and her grand kids. I sooo wanted to call but didn't want to be too intrusive so really happy she took the time to call me. This lady and I seem to have a connection of some kind. It amazing how animals can bring people together.
Well gotta go!!
K Jaggers
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