Is that not the cutest picture ever.. First of all.. I want that adorable kitten!! And a man holding it makes it only sweeter!
Its late.. I should be sleeping so this post is not going to be long!
I hope you guys all had a beautiful Thursday... For whatever reason I was really tired today. It took a while to get motivated to do anything. Scott had to work late so it was also a lonely day. But the kittens kept me company!
I dont know why but they ..
Love the dishwasher..
Its next to impossible to keep them out of it when its open..
I'm not sure if they smell food or if it just looks like a fun place to play!
Scott finally made it home.. After dinner ( What's on the Menu Post coming tomorrow ), he was quickly in bed trying to relax.. Well..that proved to be a little hard!
One kitten...
2 kittens..
3 kittens!!!
They are so freaking cute!
They have just took over around here. Super Cooper is the minority now!! Guess he always has been..
Anyway.. I don't know what tomorrow holds. I normally plan my days out but who the hell knows what tomorrow will bring..
Today I actually did get out most of my high heels to match them up with the dresses for the cruise. Ohhh.. You will see a couple new things on here now.. At the top you will see the slide show I put together. I just thought it was cute extra touch to the blog. I also put up the count down clock for the cruise since I am so excited! And..I added the drawing of Scott and I that I love so much! I am pretty sure this blog will never be totally finished.
I will try to get some pictures of the dresses I intend on wearing.. Scott and I still need to shop for our formal wear but we still have plenty of time to get it done!
Anyway.. Have a great Friday!
K Jaggers
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