I saw this fun little test online a week or so ago and thought it would be fun to see where we fit in!

So here is my toothpaste..
Guess I am thrifty and prone to depression..
hummmmm.. actually sounds kinda true!
Here is Scott's toothpaste.. and I guess he is the same as me!!
And lastly..
Here is the kids.. I guess they don't fit with this test! I would put them in with the first toothpaste..
Impulsive and Life of the Party because that's the way they squeeze it!
If you want to link up and show us your toothpaste personality fill out the little form below!!
Hope I see some of what your toothpaste tubes look like!!!!
You can also email a picture and I will be happy to add it if you don't blog and want to participate!
K Jaggers
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