What a day.. As I have told many of you.. I haven't been feeling that good the past few days.. and today was no different. In fact, it was kinda worse. First off thank you for all the kind words on here, with emails, and on facebook. I am not sick with the flu.. whats going is I am really tired all the time and my back, neck, and hips are hurting. My hips are hurting the most. I don't understand either. I even weighed myself last night to see if I had gained some weight that was causing me to hurt in my hips.. Nope.. So don't really know what's going on. But its been pretty uncomfortable and sleeping is next to impossible. I normally sleep on my sides and now I can't. So been trying to sleep on my stomach and or my back and it sucks!
I got up at a reasonable hr..around 1130 am and I stayed up for a little while but I was hurting so bad that I laid back down for a while. Thank goodness for the kids being so good today. I kinda felt bad that I just couldn't play today.. I got up took a shower.. and here I am.. and right now my hips are hurting really bad. But I just took some medicine and hoping like hell it starts working!
Really sorry I haven't talked to you guys yet.. I got a email from a reader today asking if I was ok with no post up here for the day! I didn't answer back because I read it first on my phone and then I laid back down.. But yep.. I'm ok.. just not feeling too good. I don't feel sick or anything.. Just in pain. If it keeps up I am going to make an apt for the Dr. and get to the bottom of this.. I seriously thought about trying to google my symptoms and see what it comes up with but.. that sure can be risky!
I got a ton of stuff to try to get done around here before Scott gets home at 6. The house is pretty picked up but it still needs a little attention. I really need to work on laundry but I am going to wait till later this evening. I also have a lot of post I want to get up too but I don't know if I will be able to get them all up today or not. But I will try! I can't sleep well anyway.. so I will be up late.
I haven't talked to my neighbors yesterday or today about how her husband is doing. Our entire little neighborhood is taking care of them the best they can.. Packing food over and saying prayers. Since I haven't heard anything.. I assume he is still fighting for his life. He just found out he has cancer in many parts of his body so if you are reading this please keep him in your prayers.
Well.. I am going to get busy around here..
Will be back when I take a break!
K Jaggers
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