What a great quote.. that's why its going on this good night post. I have a couple friends having relationship problems and I think these few words are powerful..Actually not just for them..but for all of us in relationships. I think we all have things that pull of us apart at times and it is so much better to hold on what's holding us together. I just thought this was very telling.. We all know it.. but few of us focus on the good but instead focus on the bad.
Moving on..
We had a pretty good evening. Its 120 am here and I am oddly feeling better right this moment than I have all day. It sucks that it came at the end of the night! Maybe it was the hot bubble bath I just came out of that made me feel better. I got some new sleeping pills that will hopefully help me sleep better tonight too. Once I am done with this post.. I am making Jackson's breakfast.. the coffee and my butt is getting in bed. I just want to wake up feeling better than what I have the last 3 or 4 days.
Wow.. Dealing with Brittany right now. I made her shut off her tv at 1 am.. I mean.. hell that's late enough for a 9 year old in summer and she is just being a brat about it. If she keeps it up she might just loose it tomorrow all together. She isn't going to like it when she starts back to school and has to get up early again. She is here a total of 3 more weeks and she really needs to start getting back on some kind of schedule. Its just not good for her..Jackson falls asleep around mid night and gets up around 930 or so. She needs that too..
We had a great dinner with the kids. They had such a fun time.. If you didn't see that post yet.. just click HERE to check it out. The kids seemed to really enjoy it yet it was so simple! I got a few post up today.. but more coming tomorrow. I have been changing a few things up and adding some new things to the blog and I will try to get a post up in the coming days of what the changes are. Nothing too big but I like to keep you guys informed!
Right now a old movie is playing on the tv ( thankfully not a movie we rented ) and its been forever since I have seen it..
~ Regarding Henry ~ ..
I forgot how much I like it.. I am a huge Harrison Ford lover and this movie starts off as cut throat and kinda harsh and then goes to total mush! I wonder how many of you guys have watched it a long time ago. Sometimes older movies are the best!
I am sorry I didn't take time to email today. Its wild how email fly in from a void and patiently wait for me to answer them. I got a few emails about houses I really need to get answered and I also got a few friends to email too. Sorry.. You guys know that right now time is limited with the kids here. It might get back to normal for a couple weeks after they leave but then Scott's daughter and her family are going to be here so.. time will be some what limited and then a week later we take off to Mexico. I doubt I will be blogging much from the cruise. • 60 minutes for $24.00 • 30 minutes for $16.50 • Pay As You Go: $0.75/min.. So as you can see it will cost me to blog! THAT SUCKS!!! But I am thinking that in the middle of the cruise on Wed or Thur I will take time and say hello! But I have to do it fast! Cell phones work too on the boat but you will pay dearly for that.. but going to check to see what international roaming cost. So much to get figured out. I wanted to go through my dresses.. but that hasn't happened yet either. Totally excited!! =)
Well.. its late enough that I need to get to bed..
Sweet dreams friends..
K Jaggers
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