Another Monday..

Monday, July 25, 2011

Hello Friends..

Happy Monday.. I know most people don't like Mondays.. However its always a day that gets me back to normal. Scott's off on Sunday's and Tuesdays.. So Monday is always the day we clean up from the weekend and also get ready for Tuesday!

Before I get into anything I want to say sorry for not blogging much yesterday. I was so wore out.. Scott and the kids were driving me crazy.. We went to the pool and couldn't stay longer than a couple hours because it started thundering and lightening. However.. it didn't rain. So most of the time we hung out at home. I was pretty tired and pretty grumpy. I started blogging last night and every word was negative so I just shut my laptop and went to bed. Long story short.. I just felt like I was being pulled in a ton of different directions and I just wanted a little time to myself without having to work or clean up after the kids. I only got that when I finally fell to sleep some where around 5 am.

Scott was suppose to take my laptop into the shop today but we changed our minds and going to send it down there tomorrow while we are at the water park...

Speaking of water parks.. we are heading to the big one tomorrow. Its going to be a long fun day! I can't wait. Scott and I always love the water parks as much as the kids do! So there will not be a lot of blogging happening until we get back..and even then we might just be wayyyy to tired to do anything. I have a ton of things to do today to get things ready to go. We used the big beach towels yesterday so got to get them washed today along with a lot of other laundry.

The kids are not too happy about staying home today but they are going to be helping. If they can help mess this place up they can certainly help clean it up. I am even moving the kids in different rooms. I have been sleeping in the spare room a lot because husby is snoring a lot and its super hard for me to sleep with him., After all these years together.. as long as he is in the house when I lock the doors, I don't care where he sleeps. But what that means is that I have been sleeping with Brittany a lot. Well... I am tired of that. She is getting into my stuff a lot and she stays up really late. So now I am going to bunk the last two weeks that they are here, with Jackson. Believe it or not.. he's not near as messy as her and he goes to bed earlier. So we are switching things up today.. Needless to say.. Brittany is not happy about it one bit.. but too bad.. its going to happen.

I still want to try to get some pictures of the kids and the kittens. I just have not had the time.. But hopefully going to try to get that done tonight sometime. Neither kids wants to get cleaned up for pictures. Cant say I blame them.. For me.. today is going to be in sweats and I am going to be a busy mom today.. Don't even think I am leaving at all today. I might run out to the market for something for dinner but who knows..we have a lot in the freezer but I want something simple so I might run out.

I shouldn't be here typing being I have so much to do. I need to get started on those 2 rooms. Then I can start out there. My goal is to have the switch done in an hour. No more.. No less. With their help it shouldn't take that long. So I will be back when I take some breaks! Ohh.. I know I have a ton of emails to answer and my plan is to reply tonight sometime...I didn't forget any of you guys and I have a lot to say to a couple of you guys ( " D " tons of things to tell you! ) and I will try to get those done when I am finished up around here tonight.

Hope you have a great day!

K Jaggers
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