Heavy Eyes...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I am sure tired tonight!
 I am not sure why but most of the day I have been worn out. My eyes are so heavy.. Scott had today off so we hung out most of the day. Its so nice when we can spend the day together. We always seem to have a fun time no matter what we are doing.

Michael came over for dinner. We all hung out and enjoyed some pork roast. I enjoy Michael's company. So does Scott. I think he is such a good friend. I can't imagine him not being around. Tuesday's have kinda become a normal day for him to come over!

Then we were off to see a few other friends. It was one of my girlfriends who was having a hard day yesterday. But today she seemed much better. They were busy getting ready to have dinner so we only stayed a few minutes. Hopefully we can hang out again soon!

However..Scott needed a driver to drive a car from Indiana to here. So my dad is going to do it. He is coming down Thursday and flying out Saturday. Have to admit I am kinda shocked. Dad doesn't normally do things like that but he's coming down for a few days! So going to have company in a couple days for a couple days!! So really got to work around the house tomorrow and Thursday so it looks great when he gets here!

Sorry about the mean twitter messages earlier. There is a teen ager that is connected to Scott and she is not stable..I think a lot of it is she is just pure jealous. I personally think she is evil and today she started bothering me again..Yep..Stalker girl is back.. I should not respond but sometimes I have trouble keeping my mouth shut in the face of hate. She has issues with him and they come out on me.. Its not his daughter..Its just a crazy girl that is now connected to us. She really wants to banter back and forth and when I do that.. I realize that it just makes her go on and on. Scott is trying to handle it and hopefully she will shut up and go away. Some of the comments tonight were pure meanness and I will never forget it. Ever. When you invite people in your life this is what you get sometimes. I don't think she likes being cut out of our family and that's her issue.. If she wasn't so crazy.. maybe that wouldn't be the case. So sorry for that side of me showing up today. I just get fed up sometimes.

 Really sorry..

In better kitty cat news..

Mr. Giovanni Jaggers is use to his new babies!!!

Here they are one by one..

They are almost 7 days old..

( will turn to 7 days old at 6pm tonight )

They are all thriving and doing well!

We couldn't be happier!!

This of course is Giovanni Jaggers Jr.

This is the largest kitten..and he is the bully of the bunch!

But he's still as cute as can be!

This is his little twin kitten # 2.

Medium sized and I believe its a girl!

Really sweet!!!

And this is baby # 3..

She is the only chocolate one out of the bunch..

She actually looks much more chocolate than her mom, Gabby..

We will have to wait and see what she looks like as she grows!

But she's mine for sure..

We are shopping for her boyfriend in the coming months!

Want to raise them together!

The cuddle up so sweet..

As you can see baby #2 is laying on its back.. The large baby laying over and my little princess is curled up and snuggling up to baby # 1.


Gabby cleans them one by one.. I love how she uses her paws!

She has done great with the kittens!

Scott really loves them a lot too. He wanted me to bring the basket out in the living room so he could see them tonight. I just move the basket room to room. Gabby just rides along with kittens!

She is still out here waiting to go to bed! I should be posting these on the other website but I just haven't had time! I suspect the next few days is going to be very busy with dad coming. So I will post while I can.. Tomorrow should be the easiest day.. But have a lot cleaning to do.. Thursday he will be here in the early afternoon.. So tons to do. I'm glad he is coming! I haven't seen him in a while. I am doubting I can get pictures with him but we'll see!

Well.. I am off to bed..

Sweet Dreams and Happy Tuesday!

K Jaggers