** Yawn **

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Soon its off to bed for me! Its been a long day.. Good day ...but long!

Scott had my car at the dealership all day so I was at home until he got off work...It kinda sucked but I managed to lounge around a bit and I also got things cleaned up a bit. But I needed to go to the store to get some grocery's but that's put off till tomorrow now. Got to get the rest of the things for Easter dinner. I already got the ham...I was a bit nervous that they would sell out! I also already got the cake for dessert too!

So after Scott got home we went out for some dinner and shopping..

We first headed to Sams to get some ...

Moscatto for Easter...This is my most favorite wine.. Its a sweet sparkling wine that is beyond good! So I got 3 bottles now.. I kinda figured a bottle for each female who is going to be eating here! I don't know if I can handle drinking an entire bottle in one night..I would be wasted and feeling sick before I ever got to bed! But just wanted to make sure I had plenty! I have a feeling the guys are going to be drinking beer instead of wine. Scott can handle getting the beer on his own!

Then we were off to Chili's for dinner..

I stopped eating hamburger for a few months but suddenly I found myself craving burgers the last week or so.. So Tonight I had some mini burgers and fries..

Really good dinner!

Scott had ribs of course..Hes loves ribs.. He had really light pants on tonight and I was just waiting on him to drop one on himself.. But we made it through dinner without any accidents!

We took off to office depot for a while and finished our night out with a visit to Target..
Before we knew it...it was 10 pm..I wouldn't had minded being out longer but the weather was really sucky and it just was not the night to be out on the town.. I would much had rathered picking up take out and spending the night snuggled in bed together.

Ohh.. I forgot to mention that Scott finally found the golf bag of his choice at Sams of all places.. I didn't get a picture of it because its in the trunk.. Tomorrow he is putting it to good use..He and Michael are playing golf together..Scott wants me to go but I have a busy weekend and I doubt I will be going.. One of my girlfriends is probably going to go with Michael but she is hosting a dinner party on Sunday...I am .. and I have a ton of things I want to get done. Plus my day isn't going to start that early! Right now its 230 am and I am heading to bed in minutes..

Those "hackers" left me one other comment that I do not understand at all..they are all for free speech but they have some problem with something on here. I put in a little time reading about their organization and they really just seem to bully's more than anything else. I found them disturbed and decided to take all comments off this blog. I think they have me confused with someone else! I don't know what their deal is.. I will not put the name of their organization on here.. I am not going to give them any additional publicity..I think that they are just hackers who bully people..I truly can not see anything productive coming from what they do or preach..Its just mean people.. And I don't deal well with bully's.. I don't hide behind a mask and threaten people.. If I threaten someone.. I normally like them to know who I am and why I am upset.. I hope they find other things to do other than bother me.. Life is too short for that kind of crap..I made copies of all the comments and will keep them in case I need them one day..Cowards are people who hide.. I don't respect that one bit. I guess they have to be hidden..they hack into accounts and if they are caught its federal charges. So maybe that's why they hide.. Don't know.. But its all just crap.. I don't understand why people are so consumed by things that don't really matter anyway. Our world and lives have so many more important things to focus on. I am amazed at how some people want to spend their time.

Well I am off to bed.. I am yawing and its hard to stay awake!!

Sweet Dreams..

K Jaggers
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