Monday, March 14, 2011

Afternoon friends!!

Hope you all are having a great day! I know I sure am!!

Lets see...

My day started about 2 pm...Super late start...Don't like sleeping that late but I fell to sleep really late ( after 4 am ) and then had to wake up to move to the bedroom, and then Scott woke me up a couple of times while he was getting ready for work..So...Its understandable why I slept so late!

But I woke up..Got some coffee....and realized that Michael and his dad were moving his stuff out of the back garage..Apparently they had been at it for a while..They were working on the last load when I got up. So he is well on his way of moving out! I am so happy for him and us!

Then I got the laptop opened and let figure out who our lucky contest winner would be!! I cant explain how fun a contest like this is.. I mean..I am freaking excited for all you guys and it really feels great to give! I am just as excited as if I had entered myself!! After a couple seconds, I had my winner!! You can see all the contest entries here →~ ECO TOOL BRUSH GIVEAWAY   and if you would like to see who actually won all the brushes you can click → ~ HERE ~. It was # 42 !!!! Now waiting for her to contact me to let me know where to send them. Its a old friend and I am hoping like hell she answers within 24 hrs!!! If not I have to pick another winner...But she had a lot of extra entries!!! She followed me on bloglovin, Hello Cotton, Twitter, Facebook, and she re posted the giveaway.. 13 entries total!! She really wanted these!!  I was so happy to do this contest...Many Many more are coming..You never know..I might do one a week! I had so much fun!! Thank you all for participating!! I loved seeing all your answers to what make up brush is your favorite and why.. Next we are going to have a Bath and Body give away!! I think you will love what I am going to be giving away!!! I am also going to be doing a Mother and Fathers day giveaway too!!

Also later today you will see a place in the right side bar that will have all the contest winners names!! Something new I am adding!! 

It sure doesn't feel like I am going to get much done today..But who knows...I might surprise myself..I still have to pick up the house, make the beds, and kinda freshen up around here.. Also need to run to the store for a few items..I think for dinner we are doing a BLT's and tator tots..With Pears..=)) Easy and can be cooked late without much trouble being Scott works till 8.

Well I guess I will head on out to the store soon!! 

Forgot to mention...the black lab is back.. Dont know where she went and dont know when she will leave again but she is laying comfortably on the porch with Super Copper..♥

Talk to you guys later today!!

Hope you all are having a beautiful Monday!!

K Jaggers
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