A better Evening...

Saturday, March 12, 2011

It was a much better evening that it was day for me..Thank goodness. I tried to really get myself together and not show what I was feeling all day. I ended up going to sleep for a while ...well longer than a while..over 3 hrs. So I had to hurry up and get dinner done..Scott ended up working late for a bit so that kinda helped me. I ended up getting dinner done and then it was time for..



Here is the cake I ended up having made for him.. I went with a golf ball just because that's a huge part of his life..Same goes for Scott but I have a different one in mind for Babys birthday!

I ended up feeding 3 guys tonight...Nothing too formal..Really wish I could have done better but it was just a long day!

The addition to our dinner party is Michael's Father..

Pretty good dinner though..

Pork Chops with wilted greens, Sweet potatoes, Green Beans, Pasta served with warm bread..


Then our little candle sung happy birthday to Michael..
He made his wish and...

Then it was time for drinks and birthday cake..

*** Wonder what his wish was...***


We didn't even cut the bottom layer yet..

Michael got his birthday gifts and then we all relaxed the rest of the night away..Well Scott and I didn't really relax. We took off to 3 different redboxes to find a movie I wanted, to no avail. It gave us a few minutes alone to talk and to see how each other was doing. It was actually nice to have the comfort of the car and a few minutes of un interrupted time. Both of us ended up leaving our phones at home and it was actually really nice. Maybe we should do that more often.

Then I came home, picked up the kitchen but left the dishes in the sink to do tomorrow..not really like me.. but I just didn't want to do them...I decided with the three guys watching sports in the living room, I would rather be alone in the bedroom..So away I went.. Totally the right thing to do..I stayed in there for a couple of hours and then went and took a hr long bubble bath while watching youtube beauty videos on my laptop. Another great decision..The time alone did my body and soul good..Then I came back out to the living room and now relaxing. Its kinda hard because this is where I am sleeping and I cant sleep out here as long as someone is out here. Soooo..I have to wait.. But going to be ok with that because I am going to sleep in as long as I want tomorrow. I might not get out of the bed till 3 in the afternoon..Speaking of tomorrow..I think we are going out to dinner again with our new friends that we went out to dinner with a few days ago. I think going out will be a good way of trying to get in a better mood. So going to go and try to have fun....The drinks alone are worth going for..So I am going to get a good nights sleep, wake up to a fresh day and have a nice evening with my beautiful husband and our new friends. I got to do my best to have some fun here. I mean I think I have made it clear that this is some where I don't like. I don't think Scott knows what to do. He has really never had to deal with me not liking where we live. I mean..Not like this.. I know its not his fault per say.. I mean it is in the sense that we  moved here for him but he couldn't have known that it wouldn't feel right to me. Maybe summer will help.. We'll see..

I have no idea how late I will be up..I am guessing late. I could go into the bedroom and lay down with Scott if I want. If it gets too late then that's what I am going to do.. But I am going to work on some other post I want to get up for while..

Sunday @ midnight is the deadline for entering the giveaway. These are great brushes and all you have to do is leave me a comment telling me what your favorite brush is and why and you are entered! I cant wait to announce a winner. I am just as excited as you are! Its such a great feeling to give to others! I love it!!! I will be announcing the winner on Monday afternoon!! I will post it on the blog, facebook and twitter...and if I know you personally, I will email you directly..Then I will mail them out on Tuesday.

So be sure to enter!!!!

I am sorry for rambling on today.. I don't really like posting anything negative or sad but the fact of the matter is that it was a rather emotional day.. Tears..and I just decided to vent a little bit.. Sorry.. I am lucky to have a very loving and supportive person..He sure does try to make things better..Love him for that. Really do..


K Jaggers
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