Nighty Night!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Hello friends.. I guess I should say...

Good Night and Good Morning! =)

A lot of you have figured out that I am far from a early bird..I think it was after 5:30 am last night before I fell asleep..Around 4:30 am I was up getting a bowl of cherrios...So late nights is not unusual for me!

We had a pretty laid back night around here..

I took a few pictures of the night..So you can see a little more about what goes on in the Jaggers household on a average night!..

After dinner I was loving on precious Gabby..

While Scott sat back and enjoyed some tv..

While Michael texted texted and texted..
( was you he was texting! )

Then Scott gets in the shower and I walk into the bedroom and see..

Super Cooper on the bed with his ball between his paws..You can certainly tell he is in trouble by the look on his face..He quickly got down..( And I have no idea why I had the camera in my hands at this moment )

But Scott heard him getting in trouble and just seconds later Super Cooper was back to being happy again..I actually love this picture..I think I will have to post it on facebook tomorrow!

Then we headed out to the store and we drove by the dealership so Scott could show me where his office is located and once we got home Michael was already in bed and it wasnt long before Scott was in the bed sleeping too..

So I got busy on...

Laundry...It sure makes me feel old when on a Friday night I am doing this..But I am trying to keep up on it..After I took this picture I folded another load..Its actually still on the table waiting for me to put it up tomorrow..

Then I got busy making...

Some orange sweet rolls for the guys to enjoy in the morning..( I will show you guys a trick tomorrow that I do to make these a little better )

I enjoyed a great bedtime snack..

and headed to the spare bedroom to play online and watch some tv before heading to bed..And little Gabby followed me like always and is actually watching TV while I do this post..I think she is soooooooooooo beautiful from behind. I love that fluffy tail!

So tonight was pretty easy..I made pork chops, mashed potatoes, baked beans and corn for dinner..Sorry but for some reason I forgot to take pictures..Imagine that!

Today was a little stressful in re to the kids and my ex husband..My mom is buying my daughter a laptop for Christmas that is being shipped to me as we speak...I am setting up al lthe parental controls and getting her facebook page made and getting all the things done to get it ready for her. Yet my ex said he would take to someone I dispise to have all that done..I let him know real quick that would not be happening..But after a long argument we worked it out. My daughter sure thinks she is 19 not 9...I told her I must always have her passwords to fb or any other sites and if I dont she looses the computer. I have to know what she is up to. There are so many Internet predators out there that she really has to be monitored. And believe me..between my mom and myself we will be keeping a very close eye on her...But she knows she is getting it and she is super super happy about it! My mom spoils her rotten..

I have also been working on the menus for next week and the grocery list. I have to go tomorrow and I got to get things ready..I do plan on doing a blog post sometime over the weekend of how I do it.. Its nothing special but if you are the kind of person who wonders around the grocery store trying to figure out whats for dinner or if you have everything you need, then the post will maybe help you. Its not perfect but it works pretty well for our family. As you have noticed I have been putting up more recipes here lately..I am trying to get back into the swing of things around here and I am actually enjoying being back in the kitchen. Opposed to the last house that I didnt ever want to cook in..Speaking of cooking..I was looking for meal inspiration on blogger and I came across this blog that was a cooking blog with a lot of subscribers...And it was all freaking Martha Stewart recipes. It doesnt even have pictures of ideas from the blogger..Instead its all Martha Stewart pictures and the recipes..Now she does give Martha Stewart the credit but damn..What would make that blog so popular. I love Martha Stewart.. I cook a lot of her recipes but to do a entire blog with no content of your own just amazes me..I shouldnt be surprised..Content stealing is pretty common from what I understand...and from my own experience..Sorry..I guess I am rambling! But I do want to say that there are some great blogs out there..Some of my friends have started blogs just from getting to know the blogging world from this blog. And they are great blogs..and there are plenty of other really good blogs out there. I just think if you are going to invest your time and energy you should really make it yours and make it original..Thats all..

Anyway, I will have more post over the weekend..I will be posting a few recipes and then I will be making them step by step..I figure if I post them first, you can get the ingredients and then follow along with the pictures when I am making them. I just think for new cooks or bakers that would be easier..For those of you that dont need that you can either follow the recipe or if you want you can still check out the pictures of step by step instructions if you have a problem or issue..Most of the things I will be posting should be pretty easy..I do a lot more baking in the winter and around the holidays..I am thinking I might have to repay my mom the favor and send her some treats too..One of my most requested cookies is the famous Elvis Presley cookies..If you have never made them you must try them...That recipe will be coming after Thanksgiving..You will be amazed at how fast they go! I will have to make double so I can take them into Scotts work..They are such a HUGE hit! I will make them the first week of December!

Well I have rambled on long enough..Its 330 am and I have got to be getting to bed..

Talk to you guys tomorrow..

Sweet Dreams!

 K Jaggers
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