
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sunday's I always want to scream because I have left laundry all week and have a lot to do. Scott and I was talking at brunch today about how I am never going to keep up with the laundry the way I should. I don't know about you guys but it's a big job in our home.

I have always used Cheer or Tide. Recently I did a little experiment with how many loads I get in liquid Tide vs. Tide Powder. I used the amount they said on the packaging for a large load...every time and guess what.. The tide powder was true..The liquid not. I don't know why.. I haven't put much thought in it...but now I use only the Tide Powder and its amazing how much more laundry I get done with one box.

Just something to think about...
Don't believe me!!!??? Try it for yourself!!!

Back to laundry I go!

K Jaggers

Happy Mothers Day!
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