Happy Mothers Day!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day to you all!!

I hope its a great day for everyone!

I didn't sleep too well.. The sun came in and woke me up. Not so good when I didn't fall asleep till after 5 am. Pretty tired right now. Scott headed out for a bit then we are going to a very late brunch when he gets back. I really needed to stay home...wake up..shower and get ready while he is out doing his thing.

A quick note..

I am saying one last thing in regard to that cult. Yesterday I baited a certain someone with the help of some officials and they took it just like a fish. Soooo...they also left a comment with talk about my home and address. That was pretty dumb on their part. But...police were here.. and I know exactly where its coming from and so do they. One more comment and I promise you....I will point them in every direction towards you..Your twitter..Your blog..All your accounts. I think this has went on too long as it is.. I know I posted pictures of my neighborhood and I know that's where you got your information. You couldn't tell me what car or cars were in the driveway. Nothing. I am not scared. Not even a little bit. I am not worried in any way about this computer or what you threaten. One more comment.. I promise you...they will show up in San Diego California. Try me.. You see... I have talked to them about you already..They are the ones who wanted me to bate you. You think its a joke huh? Keep it up.. And they will be the ones seizing all your computers and blogging about cheap make up wont be so easy will it? I personally think at this point.. this needs to end.. I don't mind pushing it but.. I really would like to focus my attention on something more important. I don't think the outcome will be what you expect...You think anything you said to me scares me? Not even a little bit. Too much time has been wasted on this and I would really hope you can just control yourself and move on. If not...I don't mind. I will play along and if anything comes my way in comments, in people threatening me at my home, or with something happening to my computer...You will be in for the shock of a life time. Ever been a wanted person? I have...its not fun when you have to worry about someone busting in your door..It would be awful silly and I bet explaining it to Mr.G would not be so fun. So lets stop with this silly game. I get that you are not happy about the Royal Wedding Pictures that was posted on here. Well..be prepared to take down many blogs. If you didn't focus so much on cheap make up you would know that in the blogging world tons of blogs were posting the same pictures. Find something better to do. I don't recommend leaving a comment in response to this. I'm sure you will go use someone Else's wii fi to do it but you will not like the outcome. You don't think I can put 2 & 2 together? You don't think I haven't already spoke to the authorities regarding you? They are the ones who wanted me to leave a twitter message and you jumped on it like a bitch in heat. It couldn't be more clear. Time to stop with these games. Really..

I hate taking up my time for crap. I really do. I value my time and I think its sad that the world of cheap make up takes away any brain cells you have left. You think harassing me or having your friends do it is going to do anything other than piss me off? I don't have time in my life for this. I know about the contact with you and my cousin. I know it all.. I also know that I am ready and willing to go forward. Don't think sending me some stupid anonymous comment that tells me my computer is under attack is going to do anything other than amuse the authorities. You don't think I have the power to make your life hell too.. OK...Keep it up.. See what happens.

I personally think...Not another word would be best..But I know you are not that smart and I am awaiting your comment....I actually want you to leave a comment...Its just more evidence against you...Annon..

Well.. in my Mother's day Spirts....I am going to have a beautiful day and I wish you the same!

K Jaggers

I also feel compelled to say this...

The name of the organization is very serious..If you are just using that name and lingo to try to make a point.. I recommend stopping..If you are just an Anon as you say...then that's good enough for the FBI. I would personally not want that organization associated with me. You might feel different. I have a few friends who play on 4 chan and have talked to other beings re this situation..No one knew of it and most of them said they would not waste their time on this. They strike at bigger targets. I think this is a beauty blogger gone crazy...

Again...enough with the games.
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