Hello everyone! It's been a while since I have done a Friday Letters. Hope you enjoy.
:: Dear God, Thank you for another week in this world. I don't understand your plans but I trust you will lead me down the right path. Instead of loosing faith with everything that has happened, I feel even more connected to you. Please keep the kids safe.
:: Dear Romeo, you are still the family mascot. You are the most lovable sweet cat that anyone could ever hope for.
:: Dear Work, yesterday sucked. Hopefully today will be better!
:: Dear New Mascara, I think you just came to life and went on somewhere to coat someone else's lashes. I am going to tear the hall closet apart looking for you.
:: Dear Trina, you must be so attention starved if you have to share pieces of my email on a public forum. It just makes you look sad, pathetic and desperate. Go away... you have done enough damage.
:: Dear Freaky Weather, I don't understand what is going on. I feel like this is why our polar bears are dying. The earth is too hot and melting all the ice and snow. I do love it but I know something is just not right.
:: Dear Ryan, I am so proud of how hard you work. I am so looking forward to our trip in the coming weeks. Thank you for slowly but surely bringing me back to life. I love you.
:: Dear Nails and Toes, I need to go get you done. It's been a while and it just sounds so nice and relaxing.
:: Dear Brittany, I am very proud of you. I know how hard you work at school and cheerleading. I am so happy that you are better than I was. Keep it up...you have a big life in front of you.
:: Dear Car, I don't really like you but I am grateful for you getting me from point a to point b. I feel like I am driving a boat around compared to the Mini Cooper. Please keep working. I promise to change your oil soon.
:: Dear Gabby, you are such a traitor when Ryan is around. Who's cat are you anyway?

:: Dear Mom, I am sure you don't like the Donalds post above, but it's how I feel. However, thank you so much for bringing that stuff up here for me. I love you and I am glad you and Don plan on having some fun. You guys deserve it.
:: Dear The Crown, I am so hooked on you. Netflix got it right with this show. I just keep watching and watching!
:: Dear Laura, I love having you around at work. I think it will be a great place for you and I also think if we start serving at night we will really enjoy it. I am so proud of you. And the grand kids. They are all growing up so fast.
:: Dear SD Card, Why are you giving me such a hard time? I guess I just need to replace you. Might try to format you first to see if it works.
:: Dear Jackson, I need to get you over here more. We need to get everyone together and have a family night. A night of fun food and games. I miss you sweetheart. Gotta give up some of those fishing days!
:: Dear Apartment, I am not use to you yet. Things are a bit louder than I am use to. There is not that much space in the kitchen yet you are my home. Little by little I am trying to re-build my life right here. Thank you for giving us a warm safe place to stay.
:: Dear Dad, I miss you so much that I can't breathe sometimes. I would do anything...absolutely anything to hear your voice. Come see me in my dreams.
:: Dear Blog and Youtube, I have missed you. I have a lot of work to do to get you caught up and back in good shape. I am excited about the possibilities.
:: Dear Scott, I can't believe I picked you up from a funeral home. I just can't believe it. All of us wonder what happened and what went so terribly wrong. I hope you are at peace with your family. I hope you made a lot of good memories that you took with you. I will always look after Laura and the kids. Always.
:: Dear New Computer, you are not as nice as the other one I had but I am thankful for you and I think we will be spending a lot of time together. :)
:: Dear Maekenzie, you are so cute. I remember when you were little and now to see you all grown up is amazing. Keep doing good in school, college is right around the corner!
:: Dear Midori, You are still the most amazing planner/journal. I still love you and imagine I always will.
:: Dear Shanna, thank you for being the best of friends to me. Your advice and comfort has helped me get through so many hard times in my life. You have put a smile on my face so many times and I love you.
:: Dear towels, got to get you washed today. However, dropping the laundry off last night was a life saver thanks to Ryan. I hate not having a washer and dryer in the apartment.
:: Dear Abbygale, You are a lot of fun. It's so nice getting to know you!!! We are all going to have to go out one night! Thanks for being so kind to Laura...she needs more friends.
:: Dear Kimmy, I am so jealous you are enjoying the sunny days in Florida. Glad you got the vacation you so desperately needed. I love you...and I am still waiting on our wine and cheese date at Hubers!
:: Dear Laundry Guy, Thanks for messing everything up. I seriously wish I could get the $4 tip back. Guess that's what I get for tipping when I dropped it off. You bleached a black bra. Lost my work shirt. I have to call back in the am. You are fired and I will find someone else to help out.
:: Dear Laci, I wish we talked more. I am proud that you are doing well and seem really in a good place. Call me so we can catch up.
:: Dear Cooper, I miss you. I hope you are well taken care of. If things weren't so messed up, you would be with me where you belong.
:: Dear Body, you feel like a 41 year old body. You hurt and ache all the time but at least I am still breathing. Working out seems to be a thing of the past but I have got to change that. Ankle please stop hurting.
:: Dear Love, I still want to believe in you. I really do.
:: Dear Blog and Youtube friends, thank you for being so supportive, loving and encouraging. I really appreciate each one of you. I have a vlog that should be live later today. It feels good sharing with you guys again. Again...thank you for all your love and support. Sometimes I feel like I am loosing it and then one of you pop in with a sweet comment that melts my heart. I love you guys. Have a great weekend. xx
:: Dear Laundry Guy, Thanks for messing everything up. I seriously wish I could get the $4 tip back. Guess that's what I get for tipping when I dropped it off. You bleached a black bra. Lost my work shirt. I have to call back in the am. You are fired and I will find someone else to help out.
:: Dear Laci, I wish we talked more. I am proud that you are doing well and seem really in a good place. Call me so we can catch up.
:: Dear Cooper, I miss you. I hope you are well taken care of. If things weren't so messed up, you would be with me where you belong.
:: Dear Body, you feel like a 41 year old body. You hurt and ache all the time but at least I am still breathing. Working out seems to be a thing of the past but I have got to change that. Ankle please stop hurting.
:: Dear Love, I still want to believe in you. I really do.
:: Dear Blog and Youtube friends, thank you for being so supportive, loving and encouraging. I really appreciate each one of you. I have a vlog that should be live later today. It feels good sharing with you guys again. Again...thank you for all your love and support. Sometimes I feel like I am loosing it and then one of you pop in with a sweet comment that melts my heart. I love you guys. Have a great weekend. xx
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