Oh Baby! What News! | New Video |

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Hello friends! I know its been a long while since I have been here chatting with you. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss you all. Since my last post in the middle of October, I have been quietly trying to get life figured out. So much has happened and trying to update you of all the latest developments could take a while. :) But I'll try anyway!

So as you can see with the photo above, I am expecting a baby! I bet many of you are wondering all about it. Russell and I were just really good friends. Our relationship was merely hiking and watching movies together but we lacked so much that a relationship needs. Passion, devotion, obsession. We will always love and care for each other but I was still really lonely. Well one thing led to another and I started seeing another ex of mine from the past. This is the ex that I was with before Scott. And while our relationship was a bit crazy when we were kids; we found ourselves in a much better position this time around. Both of us have spent a lot of time trying to get our lives together and make the changes that we needed to make. Once he showed back up in my life, all the passion and love showed right back up. I don't think it ever went away really.

One thing led to another and we recently found out we are expecting a baby. I explain as much as I can in this new video....have a look.

Ryan and I have been through a lot together. A long time ago we lost a baby and its been one of the hardest things I ever had to live with. I feel now at this point in my life, with this pregnancy the universe is getting it right. I feel blessed, happy and can't wait to meet our new baby. We are older this time around and I know we both will make great parents.

I totally feel at peace with this pregnancy. I think God has great things in store for us. I know many of you have questions so the next video will be a sit down answering as many as I can. Feel free to leave them on this blog post, and any other social media where you can track me down!

I am going to be doing my best to get things back in order with youtube and this blog. I am hoping by the first of the year I will be back to my normal posting schedule bringing you along with me and this pregnancy. Plus so much more.

Thank you guys for being patient with me. I am doing great. The kids are all doing great and we are all over the moon about this new bundle of joy coming in our lives in August of next year. Thank you for all your well wishes. It has truly meant the world to me. I love you guys.

I'll see ya soon!

3 comments on "Oh Baby! What News! | New Video |"
  1. oh what a train wreck

  2. So happy you are back to blogging and vlogging. I can't wait to follow you on this needs adventure!

  3. Praying for your health and a healthy baby.


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