New House Tour | Indiana | → Video!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Hello friends! How is your Thursday going!? Mine has been so productive. :) So as you can see, I am finally sharing our new house tour. I debated on doing this for a long time. Should I share our home. Should I share the outside? Well after really thinking about it, I decided on just going ahead and showing you our home. I am not sharing our address or even the city. Here's a peek inside.......hope you enjoy! 

Scott found this home when he was up here before we were. I wasn't really sure about the house, the location and the neighborhood. However, God blessed Because after living here for a few weeks now, I really love the house, the area and yes....even the neighborhood. This little friendly neighborhood is in the middle of nowhere really and I actually feel secure here. My attitude over this house and area has truly improved. I had to really think about what mattered to me. I probably could live in a box under the bridge and be happy knowing I am in the same area as my children. It's been a long time coming and I don't hate Indiana any longer. I might be a little bitchy in the heart of winter but I am really working hard to focus on what's good. And being with my kids is soooooo good. I don't think I will ever move away again. Nope. Thats over. This is home now and I say that with an actual smile on my face. 

Thanks so much for stopping by. Hopefully I will be back tomorrow with a new haul. Let me know if you have any questions or comments! xx
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