Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Monday. It's a fresh start...a beautiful day with so much potential. I am doing my best to get back on schedule so today I am sharing not one but 2 Day in the life vlogs! :) I had a lot of footage and thought it would be best to break apart the week and weekend. There have been some issues with the first video freezing towards the end. I am so sorry abou that. The audio is there if you just want to listen....hope you enjoy!
This next day in the life vlog takes you through our weekend...
Also this week, I got a lot done online. Taking time to actually sit down at the computer and answer emails, comments, updating the blog and social media...is a job within itself. But I just made it a priority to do it. The same goes with the mounds of desk work that I need to go through and get it done. Also on that list of things I got done was get a new po box! I need one for products that are being sent to me to review but most importantly I needed one for you guys! I never want you to send me stuff but many of you send thoughtful cards and such. You can always find the address in the downbar of my youtube videos and on my contact me page. While I was out running errands I switched over the bank accounts as well. I guess we really are getting established here. I am still kinda in shock about it all but I feel blessed to be here with all the kids.
Friday night Scott and I had a little date. The move really did take up good 2 months and we just didn't make that much time for each other. So we thought a night out alone....without kids would be fun. On our oldest daughters suggestion we headed out to Sapporo Sushi & Sake Bar & Restaurant.
We had a really nice time. There was a long wait...perfect time for a cocktail and talking...people watching...and occasionally a text to the kids. The would find us anywhere we went! We had a great dinner. Salads...soup...I got a plate of assorted nigiri sushi. It's basically sticky rice and raw fish. Scott got something a little more exotic. His came in aluminum foil, which got set on fire. It burned for about 3-5 minutes and then he opened it up....to some delicious sushi. He loved it. The night out was good for us. Stress free...kid free...and fun! The food was simply amazing. Probably some of the best sushi I have ever had. And we got out of there at a very reasonable price. I am definitely going again!
Over the weekend I did a little shopping...you can see the haul here. I got this really cute cheeseburger cake from Meijers. I thought it was so cute. Brittany had a few friends over and I thought it would be a great ending to a pasta dinner. I am shocked that they ate more salad than anything else. But I am really happy about it. Maybe we will start having more salads....maybe a little more fish. I love a good summer salad. And this week so far it feels like maybe it's back around. I think we are suppose to have 80 degree days all week long. Thank you God. ♥
Sunday I stayed home and got a lot done around the house. Monday's are a busy day for me at the computer. I don't do a lot of cleaning besides my regular routines at the beginning of the week. So I like to do a little more on Sundays when I can. It just makes the job easier in the middle of the week when I clean the entire house. I feel like I am kinda caught up right now but there is so much that I really want to get done. Lot's actually. Here's a few of those to do's I hope to get done this week.
:: Clean out frig
::Answer Emails
:: Walk Cooper 2x day
:: Look for plants for around the house.
:: Finish customizing moms gift...that I should have had done weeks ago.
::Work on Youtube Schedule
:: Update Family Calendar
:: Cheer Meeting on Monday evening.
:: Cheer Uniform fitting on Tuesday evening
:: Clean up DVR
:: Repaint Nails
:: Put up last load of laundry
:: Buy husby some snore spray..doubting it will work but willing to try anything.
:: Pick out photos for gallery wall.
:: Charge fitbit.
:: Change address on subscription boxes
:: Call about planner accessory purchase that never came in. :(
:: Buy new grill this week sometime
:: Continue to journal daily
:: Groom Cats
:: Look for a tree for the back yard
:: Get treadmill hooked up for Cooper...and myself
:: Clean jewelry
:: Start some organizational projects this week.
:: Make some sangria..yep..sounds so good!
:: Send out thank you notes
:: Bring freezer inside.
:: Food prep for a couple dinners this week...tonight and tomrorow.
:: Buy some tomato plants
:: Bath Cooper over the weekend
Here's some inspiration to take with you throughout the week:
Thank you for stopping by today. I hope you have a wonderful week. I hope to have a new video up daily but a few extra blog posts this week. Be sure to come back and check them out! xx
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