Here's a little vlog from this past week...hope you enjoy!

With the new move, there are new schedules and routines. I am getting up daily at 8am ( I know many of you get up earlier ) but it's been working out well for me. I have been trying to get a big glass of water in first thing in the morning rather I like it or not. Then I go on and enjoy some coffee. Scott or I take the kids. If he is going to be out working anyway, it's better for him to take them rather than both of us waste the gas. Then I use a little bit of my morning time to walk Cooper around the neighborhood. It feels different here. It feels quiet and safe. The fresh air has been doing us both really good and it kinda wakes me up for the day. Most days I am working around here, and normally it's me that picks the kids up in the afternoon. I shuffle them from appointment to appointment and believe me.. it's not one of my favorite mom tasks but I am getting with it. I am also back to enjoying long baths in my really deep tub. I think for sure it's deeper than than my last one and after a long day of unpacking, a long bath fixes a lot! :)
It's also been a bit stressful for Scott and myself. I think we just need to make more time for each other. Time is something we haven't had much of and moving is stressful all on it's own. But we started really getting a long towards the end of the week and I just hope it really continues. We both just want to be happy. We love our family so much. No amount of problems will ever change that. So life goes on. We actually went out this past weekend and explored Meijer together. Neither of us has shopped there much so it was a little day date to stock up the kitchen. We had a nice time and then teenagers made it easy on us bring all the stuff in from the car. I was happy with everything we got. I thought we didn't spend a ton of money for what we got. If you haven't checked out the haul yet, it's right here. We are just going along with life at this point. I am working hard to make this new house, neighborhood, city and state our home. Scott and I are sharing a bedroom again. His snoring still drives me crazy at times but many wives deal with that! Its been nice in a lot of ways but there are times when it's a pain but we are learning how to share a room together. I am not staying up as late and we both deal with being woke up a little more because of each other. It's just the way it is. And the animals are never in the bed...except when Scott lets them sneak up there! I can't ever sleep with animals in the room. No thank you but...
Here's some of the things that I need to get done this week:
:: Unpack more boxes...yes still have a garage full to work on this week.
:: Bath and groom the kitty cats this week.
:: Walk Cooper daily... maybe 2x a day weather permitting.
:: Find new shelf for bedroom
:: Clean out and organize purse..maybe switch purses. I want something smaller.
:: Print pictures for frames.
:: Work on videos...try to keep on schedule.
:: Go through what's due.
:: 10 minute cleanout of car.
:: Find Jackson a new Dr.
:: Get weekly cleaning done tomorrow.
:: Call Shanna...haven't talked to her in days.
:: Continue writing in prayer journal.
:: Paint nails.. gosh they have been looking terrible through this move.
:: Buy another potted flower like the one we got as a house warming gift.
:: Answer youtube comments.
:: Clean up DVR
:: Get blind for " bonus " room on 2nd floor.
:: Start really organizing some of the spaces and closets
Here's some inspiration to take with you throughout the week:
Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope you have a great week. I'll be back with more vidoes and blog posts in the coming days. xx
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