Hello friends! I hope you are having a good Monday. I got to tell you... I am tired today and still drinking coffee to help hold my eyes open. I seriously need to learn to get better sleep in 2016. So I am back with a new Day in the Life Vlog sharing little parts of last week. I am so happy to be back on my normal schedule. Vlogging everyday was a bit much for me but I love these week in reviews!
I am not doing a huge week in review post today. Pretty much last week was just another week of trying to get things done and not much exciting happened. I worked a lot around the house to clean things up and organize them through the 31 day challenge. It's felt good too! Thank you guys for joining in and participating all while making your homes a place that is relaxing and comforting. I doubt this week will be much different.
Here are a few to do's for this week:
- get hair cut
- make more time on treadmill
- work on moving book...as you saw in the video above.
- pre cook a few dinners so I am not rushing around on busy nights.
- get cash from ATM for kids lunches this week.
- mail more holiday cards.
- order book from amazon.
- clean up DVR's
- work on reviews and blog posts for this week.
- clean up DVR's
- work on reviews and blog posts for this week.
- look for new camera.
- update family calendar and chalkboard walls.
- charge fitbit and put back on.
- brush out kitty cats this weekend.
- wash all bedding and try to hang out to dry.
- get a little more water in my system each day.
- call and check on my sister....haven't talked to her in a while.
- clean out microwave....looks like a bomb went off in there.
Here is some inspiration to take with you throughout the week..
Thank you guys for stopping by today. I know my vlogs are long. I understand that it's not always easy to spend an hour with us but I am thankful for each one of you. I hope you have a great week. Be sure to come back and visit when you can. :)
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