Kisha Check's In | Chit Chat Vlog |

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful day. It's pouring down rain here and kinda cold. The kids are doing their own things and the house is super quiet. I thought today I would just jump right in front of the camera and talk with you guys a little bit. I had some holiday questions that I never got around to answering which I included in the video. Plus I talk to you about some youtube happenings and the Love the Home You Have Challenge for January. If you want to hear me ramble on for a bit, here's the video! :)

I know I did a lot of rambling on...hope you didn't mind! It was a little weird just sitting in front of the camera when I have been vlogging so much but I have actually enjoyed the break since I have slowed down. But I want to get back to posting more regular content. I'm thinking a new video every other day with blog posts sprinkled in between. I like trying to get a new video up everyday but that's just not always possible.

Also I am so exited to jump start #2016 with ‪#‎lovethehomeyouhave‬ challenge for January! After the holidays, I'm sure many of us need to get our homes back in order. Starting January 1st, 2016 I'm starting the 31 day love your home challenge and I hope you guys come along with me! I'll post daily Instagram pictures, and a weekly compilation video on Saturdays to help ‪#‎encourage! The challenges won't take very long. They are simple things anyone can do and I'm sure we will all be thankful by the end of January! If you want to post your progress through pictures you can either tag me @kjaggers on instagram or you can also upload your photos on my Facebook page as well. If you haven't gotten the book yet, there still time to go check it out at your local library and Amazon prime ships in 2 days! 📚  Do you think you will join in!? Day one challenge is super easy. It's taking a few minutes to write about a room or memory that stands out as a blessing. You'll be able to find out which room that is here on my blog this Friday!

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1 comment on "Kisha Check's In | Chit Chat Vlog | "
  1. Ever consider something like Money Mondays...Talk about money and budgeting, etc.


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