Welcome back to another edition of Tuesday Truths. It's actually Wednesday Truths because I just didn't get it up yesterday! Hope you enjoy,
- I found some really cute inexpensive gifts that I am giving out for Christmas to some friends and family. I think they will love them!
- Donald Trump is running his mouth again. Yada Yada Yada....nothing new...all bullshit.
- I have been loving having my phone on silent. It just reminds me of a time when I wasn't so overloaded with emails, messages, social media. It's felt good.
- The boys are getting along at the moment. I don't think either wants to get grounded again. Especially over their holiday break from school. It's still like pulling teeth to get them to do their chores right but going to back to basics has really helped. Showing them exactly what to do, listing it out for them and checking it does them good. If they want a allowance then it has to be done right.
- It's cold here. I seriously do not like the cold weather. Yesterday I was cold from the top of my head to my toes and nothing helped but a long hot bath.
- I watched the season finale of Homeland last night. It left me hanging and I am so so glad there will be a season 6. Sadly it won't be back on until October of 2016. At least we know that the CIA wants Carrie back and Quinn is going to live! :) It says something when a show leaves me hanging at the end of each show dying to know what happens next. I think this show might be the best thing Showtime has going for them.
- I watched the season finale of Homeland last night. It left me hanging and I am so so glad there will be a season 6. Sadly it won't be back on until October of 2016. At least we know that the CIA wants Carrie back and Quinn is going to live! :) It says something when a show leaves me hanging at the end of each show dying to know what happens next. I think this show might be the best thing Showtime has going for them.
- I did not know there were people out there who seriously think the worst you can think about someone regarding myself and my family. These people twist things and make up lies simply because they can. What a bunch of cowards. Lets see your home. Lets see how good you are as a parent or how good your kids behave and then we'll see. Keep watching if you wish...I won't stop because you want me to. I will stop when I am good and ready.
- Dinner is cooking away in the Pressure Cooker and I love it. :) It's proving to be a great gadget for the kitchen on nights you want to make something that normally takes 4 hours in the oven to 35 minutes in the pressure cooker. It's pretty nice. Stay tuned for a review and giveaway in the coming weeks.
- I think Scott is getting tired of hearing me say how much I love my Midori planner. It makes me so happy!
- I have no idea where all my warm fuzzy socks have disappeared to but I need to find them. My feet are freeeeezing right now.
- My Christmas tree doesn't seem to be drinking a lot of water up. Not sure why but I keep checking it. Maybe I just added a lot of water. It's looking great though! I think from now on, we will have only a real tree.
- All the cats need to be groomed. I am working on a lot of other things but it's time to make some kitty cat grooming time. None of them are going to enjoy being brushed out and bathed. I might just brush them out and bath them after Christmas.
- The kids are running warp speed playing tag throughout the house! I hope nothing gets broke....I wish I had 1/2 their energy!
- I wish this man hell....like seriously hell. I can't understand how someone can do that to a helpless animal.
- Teresa Giudice was released from jail this morning. I never watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey but for some reason this family got my attention. I feel bad she went to prison for something her husband did. At least she's home now. A long time ago when the kids were young, I wrote a bad check to Walmart and they had me convinced I was going to prison for theft. It might have took me a little long to pay those groceries off but I did! No prison for me! Hahahahaha! I seriously might have to tune into that housewife show now! I guess we all make mistakes to learn from them. And have you seen her family? Besides her short husband, The Guidice family is stunning.
- There is suppose to be some bad weather around my daughters area is bothering me. I hate not being there but I am sure her dad would handle things.
- The rain just keeps keeps keeps coming down. So depressing. I wish the sun would come out....and the little singing birds too.
- Gossip websites are not for people to just to gossip. It's a place for hateful people to post lies and crap and get away with it. I don't understand it. Don't believe a word they say.
I am going to try to make something productive happen with the rest of the day. Lots to do... but staying warm and dry on a very cool wet afternoon. I hope you are getting ready for Christmas! I'll be back a little later.
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- The rain just keeps keeps keeps coming down. So depressing. I wish the sun would come out....and the little singing birds too.
- Gossip websites are not for people to just to gossip. It's a place for hateful people to post lies and crap and get away with it. I don't understand it. Don't believe a word they say.
I am going to try to make something productive happen with the rest of the day. Lots to do... but staying warm and dry on a very cool wet afternoon. I hope you are getting ready for Christmas! I'll be back a little later.
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