Hello everyone. I hope you are having a great Tuesday. I am back with another week in review with a new vlog as well. Normally I like these posts to go live on Monday but due to travel that was just not possible yesterday. This is a looooong vlog because again due to time constraints I couldn't edit, save 2 vlogs and get them uploaded this past week. Grab a cup of hot tea or coffee and come spend an hour with us. Here's the video....much more below!
Last week was a week of trying to get back on schedule. It was a week of fighting through the flu and get caught up on somethings around the house. Its been a long road trying to get feeling better. The flu took days and days from me; weeks in fact. I am not even a 100% yet. I didn't make much time to get on the treadmill this week but Super Cooper sure did! For some reason he hasn't looked that good either. Scott thinks Cooper is just not feeling well and its kinda worrying us. Towards the end of the week it was time to get packing for another road trip. We also made some brownies to take a long the way and to leave for the housesitter - she too has a sweet tooth! - and then we hit the road Sunday morning. We drove all day and some of the night and finally arrived at the hotel where we got some much needed rest.
Monday we woke up and handled some family business and before we knew it we were heading right back home. It was a long fast trip that was kinda hard on all of us. I know many you have wondered what we have been doing and why I haven't shared much on our life the past month or so and that was all for our son Zane. We were under strict instructions to not share information to even friends and family and under no circumstances discuss anything online. In the beginning we did ask you for prayers before we knew the rules so I know a few of you know some of what our family has been going through. I also understand many of you have no idea but it's been a long hard process and Monday we were so blessed when we were given full custody of Zane.
The ride home for the kids proved to be long and boring. There was little complaining but there was also some sleeping as well. We were all tired to be honest and we did some a lot on the way home for bathroom and snack breaks, to switch drivers, and we did our best to find family friendly places to eat where the kids had a little something to do and not just have to sit there. So Cracker Barrel was a life saver. The boys enjoyed checkers and the gift shop and then other times we were eating in the car to save time. Finally late last night we arrived home and Scott went right to bed. It was harder for the boys to go to sleep right way so today they stayed home to get some rest. I thought it would be better to give them a day to recover than having each fall asleep in class and/or not being able to concentrate. Its been a cold nasty day so I am sure they are happier to be home. But tomorrow they start school right back up. The only way they get to stay home is if they have a fever and I know Jackson has already tried figuring out how to fake a fever! :)
Brittany this past weekend spent time at the University of Louisville Cheer Clinic where we practiced and even cheered for a game!
I am so proud of her. She seems to be good at almost everything. She is growing up so fast and in just a couple of years she will actually be driving. Yikes! I am still dreaming of our big summer move back home so all the kids can be together. Plus Zane has more family up there that he doesn't really know but they all love and adore him and I think the support system would be good for him as well as Brittany, Jackson and Laura. And now that we have Zane full time, the move is finally possible. I am not going to pull them out of school now and make the move but in the summer, we will make it happen.
It's been a crazy busy kinda stressful time last week and this week started off so great for our family and our kids but the long back home took a lot out of us all. I can't even begin to tell you how tired I am today but I am so happy with our family. I am so proud of each of our children and I want nothing more than each of them to have happy, loving, productive lives. I want all them to know we are here for them until our last breath. And to be very honest, I think Scott and I are better because of kids. With Zane its been a long complicated road but he is a happy little boy who seems to be thriving here. Having 2 teenage boys at home is a big new change but we could feel more blessed and thankful. I know some of you guys thought you figured it out and I know that it strange when I couldn't answer those emails or comments in detail but please know it is what we had to do for one of our kids. Thank you for all your prayers and well wishes. It's meant a lot to us to know that so many people were lifting our family in their prayers. After everything the last couple of weeks, we have have the tasks again of getting back on schedule. And a lot of that has to do with me enforcing a schedule...working out everything that has to get done in my planner and handling business. Thankfully the house isn't too bad but I have stack of laundry that needs my attention and I still need to get the weekly cleaning done but I am going to work hard the next couple of days and try to get everything done. Here's a few of those to do's:
- Clean out cat boxes
- Have Jackson clean out the hedgehog cage.
- Respond to emails
- Start planning meal for Thanksgiving
- Work on the bills
- Weekly cleaning
- Get to bed eariler
- Water plants
- Go check PO Box
- Work on bugs within blog template
- Clean up DVR
- Call and make kids new Dr Appoitments
- Make time to get on treadmill...make time...make time
- Wash Zanes new blanket
- Make time to work in the planner
- Have the kids give Cooper a bath.
- Answer some emails.
- Figure out something fast for dinner. It's been a day at home in our pjs but we ate out enough the past couple days...gotta get into the kitchen.
- Clean up files on computer. Too many videos that take up space on the hard drive.
- Print out pictures for Zanes room.
- Dust the ceiling fans
- Menu Plan
- Get going with the laundry
- Clean up desk
- Purge old magazines
- Order a new phone
- Replace burned out light bulbs
- Clean windows on 1st floor....they really need it.
Here's some information to take along with you:
Thank you guys for stopping by and sharing in our lives. I know some of you wish we shared even more but some of our life is actually private. I don't put the kids a lot in any of the videos but each one loves the camera and we love documenting our lives. Sharing it with you guys has been a bonus because of your prayers, because of your support, because of your advice. I never realized blogging and making videos would impact my life in such a wonderful way. I hope your week goes well and I will be working on more videos for the rest of the week. xx
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