Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Monday. As many of you know... I post a week in review recapping what happened over the week & weekend. Its something that I have been doing off and on for years. Its just a simple way to give you guys a glimpse into our week. I have changed up the vlogging schedule where I will be uploading a Day in the life vlog Monday...as always and then another on Thursday. However this week, I am only sharing one vlog and it's another long one! Grab a cup of coffee or tea and come spend an hour with us! Hope you enjoy!
This past week started off ok. Not great but I felt like I got a good start on getting things ready for Thanksgiving. The hours seemed to pass by so quick. I had no idea how in the world I was going to get everything done before everyone arrived. I kept working around the house, out of my planner but I still didn't accomplish every task. I tried but I just didn't have time on my side.
On Wednesday afternoon mom and Don arrived. We didn't waste time either. Mom and I hung out for just a short time before heading out. I dropped mom off to get her nails done and I did another quick shopping trip at Aldi's and Walmart for more holiday items that we needed. I am still so amazed at the money I save at Aldi's. I'll have to do an entire post about that one day however, it makes me super happy to check out paying a fraction of the price we normally do. And no one in the house has complained about anything purchased there which is super nice!
Wednesday Laci and Brian also arrived. We had a full house for sure. Our oldest daughter Laura and her family also came for a short time but she didn't want me to show her this time on film. She just wanted to come and have a quick but relaxing trip. I think she just wanted it private but when we spoke last night she said I could put her in this post! :) She has been making her own youtube videos and blogging but just was a little burnt out so I kept the camera out of her face...and it was hard! We all just hung out on Wednesday but the our teenage boys were horse playing around and it quickly turned serious. I about died. Some of our family actually left the house because of it. The boys were super upset. I was disappointed, sad and angry over the entire situation. I couldn't believe how they acted. Jackson has never liked the holidays but this time he had a partner in crime who also had a difficult night.
Thanksgiving day I woke up feeling just angry at those boys as I was went I finally went to sleep the night before. I pretty much worked in the kitchen and didn't pay much attention to them. I had a ton to do so I let the other adults in the house help me out with them a little bit. It was hard on my mom because she was wanting me to praise them for helping out but I was still stuck on the night before when they hurt each other and even Jackson's glasses got broke. I was none too happy. We got dinner on the table only to realize things we forgot to make..hahaahaha but we just flew our little imaginary screw it flags and went with it. No one complained! I felt really bad with a terrible headache during dinner and ended up going to bed for a few hours. When I woke up I found the family downstairs playing games at the kitchen table. It was sweet to see even if I was a little grumpy! I actually fixed me another plate after I got up and actually enjoyed it.

Once everyone took off on Saturday I asked the boys to give me a little space so I could rest a bit. They stayed upstairs for the most part...played outside some and was actually getting along. Great timing huh!? Why couldn't they do that when everyone is here!? :/ I worked online and worked on menu planning so I could do some shopping. Sunday showed up and we laid around for the 1st half of the day and then Zane and I did a little shopping. I came home recorded a haul which is right here in case you haven't checked it out yet. I share our dinner menu for this week as well in case you need some menu inspiration. I was shocked to see how expensive some small strawberries were and opted for frozen. Buy in season produce for sure otherwise you will dearly pay....and it's most likely not going to be good anyway. I spent some time with the family...sent the boys upstairs at 8pm to start calming down and enjoyed some tv. Scott went to bed early and I wasn't far behind him because I wanted to take a long hot bath which was totally amazing.
Now that we are moving into a new week...here's a few of my to do's.
- Start Daily Vlogging today! Vlogmas it is!! Its actually suppose to start tomorrow but I think starting on a Monday makes more sense!
- Get boys chores all figured out. I keep putting that off but I need to get on it.
- Put up laundry....why is that the hardest part of doing it!?
- Work in planner and film.
- Work in planner and film.
- Break out old holiday stamps leftover from last year. Yep! I saved a bunch!!!
- Purge old magazines.
- Clean up house today and tomorrow.
- Make some snacks for the week.
- Get on the treadmill and get some walking in.
- Clean up DVR's.
- Start getting out Christmas Decorations
- Figure out how to get all the photos and videos off this new iphone. Why can't they just make it easy??
- Start getting out Christmas Decorations
- Figure out how to get all the photos and videos off this new iphone. Why can't they just make it easy??
- Do nails.
- Wash bedding today and tomorrow.
- Get boys lunch money....totally forgot today!
- Find best deals for Christmas tree lights.
- Catch up with best friend...didn't talk to her at all yesterday...weird?
- Clean out purse.
- Spray off passenger floor mat that I spilled coffee on.
- Clean up computer files.
- Do some baking for the boys for snacks and such this week.
- Find some pine cones for homemade Christmas ornaments.
- Don't forget to check PO Box over weekend.
- Answer Emails
- Water all the plants in the house.....they're looking a little droopy.
- Lay out chicken for dinner tonight.
- Send out thank you notes
- Make some fresh juice with my new juicer....I can't wait!
- Wash all sweaters and jackets.
- Pick up Jacksons prescriptions from Walgreens.....today.
- Move kitchen/dining room table around.
- Look for snicker doodle cookie recipe for Zane.
Here's some inspiration to take with you through the week:
- Find best deals for Christmas tree lights.
- Catch up with best friend...didn't talk to her at all yesterday...weird?
- Clean out purse.
- Spray off passenger floor mat that I spilled coffee on.
- Clean up computer files.
- Do some baking for the boys for snacks and such this week.
- Find some pine cones for homemade Christmas ornaments.
- Don't forget to check PO Box over weekend.
- Answer Emails
- Water all the plants in the house.....they're looking a little droopy.
- Lay out chicken for dinner tonight.
- Send out thank you notes
- Make some fresh juice with my new juicer....I can't wait!
- Wash all sweaters and jackets.
- Pick up Jacksons prescriptions from Walgreens.....today.
- Move kitchen/dining room table around.
- Look for snicker doodle cookie recipe for Zane.
Here's some inspiration to take with you through the week:
Thank you so much for stopping by today. I know that the vlog and blog post were kinda long but that's no surprise huh!? I am starting " vlogmas " today and will have a new DITL Vlog up every single day through new years. Also there will be 2 videos up at times when I have a video that should be a stand alone instead of just being included in a vlog. I hope you come back everyday and share December with us! Also don't forget to get entered in our new giveaway for the Love the Home You Have book because December 1st I plan on starting the 31 day challenge. I hope you guys get the book and follow along in the challenges! I hope you have a wonderful week. I'll see ya soon! xx
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