Update! | Vlogmas | Holiday Card Exchange | Giveaway| → Video ←

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Hello friends. I hope you night is going well. Our company left today and I thought now would be the perfect time to give you an update of a few things going on! I have a new vlog up telling you all about our Thanksgiving which didn't go exactly how I had hoped. The boys gave us a run for our money and I was a bit emotional but we ended up having a nice dinner and Friday we had a night fun right in the kitchen. You can hear all about it on Monday. I really enjoyed seeing my mom and sister. It might have been kinda bumpy at times but seeing both of them made it all worth it. :) 

Here's the update(s)

So as I explained in the video for the month of January I will be doing the 31 Day Love the Home You Have Challenge. I think the book is amazing....written actually sweet and kinda comforting. Within the book itself is a lot of information about where you can find a lot more online as well. I explained everything in the video but I will come back and it explain once again right before it starts. I will be posting daily on instagram....and doing little video snippets to share on youtube as well. I thought we are all so busy in December to really do it but January we all are trying to get things back in order. It's my hope that you will join in too! I am hoping you guys will make the time read the book between now and then. It's not a long read.. couple days at most and then get ready to join up in the daily challenge. You will be able to hashtag it to show me or leave me a comment and we can do it together! You can find a copy online for about $10 or you could even check out the book from your local library. I also think you can find a lot online as well...so you can totally find out about the book and follow along in many ways. I think we will all be thankful for this challenge at the end of January. ♥ I am giving away one book to a lucky subscriber/reader. It's open to everyone. Use the form below to enter. It will go for 2 weeks and the winner will be picked on December 12th. Good Luck! 

I'm taking tomorrow off...but I will have a new week in review and vlog up on Monday. Have a great weekend. xx

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11 comments on "Update! | Vlogmas | Holiday Card Exchange | Giveaway| → Video ←"
  1. Can not wait to watch your vlogmas

  2. I can't wait to read the book

  3. I can't wait to read the book and follow along on the challenge.

  4. Dec and Jan are going to be fun busy but fun. I'm excited to get the book and read it and I love challenges.

  5. Ok so I'm going thru the list of requirements for the book entry and I am probably being dumb and sorry for that but WTH is Google Friend Connect?

  6. I look forward to reading the book. I need any help/advice i can get. You are the best Kisha. ☺

  7. I look forward to reading the book. I need any help/advice i can get. You are the best Kisha. ☺

  8. Woo Hoo, I can't wait for the Vlogmas videos

  9. I'm looking forward to checking this book out!

  10. Love that you are doing vlogmas! Will you still be doing the meal/recipe vlogs? They are my favorite!!!

  11. Looking fwd to the 31 challenges! Thank you for the giveaway!


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