Hello friends! I hope your evening is going well. I have a few minutes and thought I would share our new menu plan for the upcoming days plus all the groceries we got for those dinners and a few extras. This time I went to my local Ingles and I don't think I saved as much as my last haul when I shopped at Aldi's but I had some extra stuff to get so Ingles just seemed right. Hope you enjoy!
I can't even put to words how busy and crazy the day has been. I don't think it's going to slow down either. I worked online a lot today switching up this blog. It might be slight changes but the amount of time that went into changing them was not slight. Working with code does not come naturally to me and took a lot of concentration. We have birthday's coming up this week and there is so much to do to get ready. Scott has a lot going on too so again....another busy crazy day just hours away. I need some rest! See ya tomorrow. xx I'd love it you took a second to subscribe!
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